Pools Reconciliation

The Pools Reconciliation screen displays transactions for employees belonging to staffing pools. This information can be used to track the organizations that utilize the staffing pool employees.

Transactions for external agency pools can be reconciled to track whether they have been invoiced or paid.

The pool records that satisfy the criteria options are displayed in a grid. Click on the expand arrow to the right of a record to open and view the details. Once a pool record is retrieved, the status of the record can be updated to Invoiced or Paid and a comment can be added.

Fields on the search screen

The Pool Reconciliation Search screen is the default page when a screen is opened. This screen is used to filter criteria when searching for specific records to handle.

Begin Date: The date and time the transaction began.

Employee: The pool employee whose transactions are being researched. Select the option from the Field Look Up Values in the right pane.


Employees who have the Agency/Pool Employee option set to Yes on General > Classification are included on the Field Look Up Value options in the right pane.

End Date: The date and time the transaction ended.

Job Class: The job class code of the transaction assigned to this pool.

Pool: The staffing pool whose records are to be displayed. Select a pool code from the Field Look Up Values displayed in the right pane. Pool codes are previously set up on the Pools configuration screen.

Reconcile Status: The status of this pool transaction, such as paid or invoiced.

Organization Units: The organization unit whose pool records are being reconciled.

Transaction End: The latest date to include in the search for pool transactions. If the date of a transaction is included between the Transaction Start and Transaction End date parameters, the transaction is included in the search results.

Transaction Start: The earliest date to include in the search for pool transactions. If the date of a transaction is included between the Transaction Start and Transaction End date parameters, the transaction is included in the search results.

Type: An icon indicates the type of transaction assigned to a pool code.


Indicates a clocking entry.


Indicates a calendar entry.


Indicates an adjustment.

Reconciling Pool Records

To reconcile Pool records, complete the following steps:

  1. Navigate to Actions > Approval > Pool Reconciliation.

  2. Search for the transactions to be approved, based on the Search criteria listed.

    The records relating to the selected employee are displayed.

  3. Click on the card arrow on a record to open it.

  4. Change the Reconcile Status from the drop down menu to either Invoiced or Paid.

  5. In the Comment field, enter any text regarding this reconciliation transaction.

  6. Save the record.

A check mark in the Approved column indicates this transaction has been approved by an authorized user.