Productivity Input
The Productivity Input action option opens a screen to add information related to productivity tracking for specific organization units. This information can be compared to the Productivity Standards and also the Productivity Budget values to determine if the organization unit is meeting the productivity goals.
The Productivity configuration screens (see Productivity Card) for the organization units must be previously set up.
Searching for Productivity Input Records
The Productivity Input Search screen is used to filter search criteria when searching for existing productivity transactions. After entering the selection criteria, click on the Retrieve Records button.
All records meeting the criteria are displayed. Click the card arrow on the record to open it and view the details.
When the search results are loaded, the following actions are available in the left pane:
Add Productivity Volumes: Opens a screen to add new Productivity Transaction records.
Delete Selected: To delete one or more records, check the box to the left of the records.
Productivity Input Search: Brings the user back to the search screen to conduct another search for records.
Coverage Period Code: The Coverage Period code indicating when this productivity transaction took place on the indicated day.
This only needs to be completed if productivity is monitored by coverage period.
End Date: The last day of the date range of transactions to be submitted or viewed.
Job Class Code: The job class involved in this productivity transaction, if transactions are being tracked by job class.
Organization Units: Select the appropriate code for this field. The number of organization unit levels available and the organization unit names displayed depend upon the corporate structure.
Productivity Unit Code: The code that identifies the productivity unit for the transactions being entered or viewed through this screen, such as admissions or discharges.
The options available are those Productivity Unit Codes which were previously set up on
and then assigned to the organization unit via .Start Date: The first day of the date range of transactions to be submitted or viewed.
Steps for Adding Productivity Input Records
To add new productivity records, complete the following steps:
Navigate to
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Click Add Productivity Volumes.
Enter the required Organization Unit information.
The organization levels displayed depend on the structure level where productivities are assigned (as viewed on the Organization Link Levels screen) according to your corporate structure.
If this productivity record is specific to a Job Class Code, enter that information in the field.
Enter the Number of Days that will be entered in this session, up to 31 days.
If a Productivity Entry Days default is set up as a preference; that number is displayed in this field, but can be changed.
When the screen is completed, click on the Enter Productivity Volumes button in the left pane.
The distribution information is displayed in the Informational Messages box. This distribution information is assigned to all the records entered on this screen.
Select the Productivity Unit Code from the Field Look Up Values.
This same code is assigned to all transaction records entered in this screen.
The options available were previously set up on
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Individual transaction records are created for the number of days entered. For each day listed, enter the following information:
It is possible to leave the fields for specific days blank, if no data was gathered for that day.
The Transaction Date of the productivity.
The applicable Number of Units for this Productivity Unit Code.
The Coverage Period Code, if productivity is being tracked by coverage period. If productivity is not being tracked by coverage period for this Productivity Unit Code, leave this field blank.
Any Comment regarding the input record.
When all data is entered, click on Save.
To add additional records to the same labor distribution, but different Productivity Unit Code, click on Save/Add. The record is saved and the fields are cleared, but the screen remains open to input new records for the same labor distribution and number of days.
To add records for a different labor distribution, click on the Change Distribution button in the left pane. Complete steps 3-9 above.
Comment: Any comments regarding the productivity transaction on the indicated day.
Coverage Period Code: The Coverage Period code indicating when this productivity transaction took place on the indicated day.
This only needs to be completed if productivity is monitored by coverage period.
Job Class Code: The job class involved in this productivity transaction, if transactions are being tracked by job class.
Number of Days: Indicates the number of daily records (up to 31) that will be entered in this session. The system creates this number of input records.
Number of Units/Number of Hours: Depending on the type of productivity being tracked, enter either the number of units or number of hours for this productivity on the indicated day.
Organization Units: Select the appropriate code for this field. The number of organization unit levels available and the organization unit names displayed depend upon the corporate structure.
Productivity Unit Code : The code that identifies the productivity unit for the transactions being entered or viewed through this screen, such as admissions or discharges.
The options available are those Productivity Unit Codes which were previously set up on
and then assigned to the organization unit via .Transaction Date: The date of the productivity transaction on the indicated input day.