Parameters Tab

The Parameters screen is where the starting date/time and ending date/time of the holiday time frame is set up.


The start time of the activity code to be scheduled for an employee must occur on or after the Posted Day Begin Time of the Holiday Start Date, or the schedule is not processed based on the Holiday rules. This value is set up on Posted Pay Period Assignment Code Parameter Calculations Standard Time 1.


Not all parameters may be listed below.

The following topics are available on this page:

Holiday Parameter Schedule Standard Date 1

Holiday Parameter Schedule Standard Date 2

Holiday Parameter Schedule Standard Time 1

Holiday Parameter Schedule Standard Time 2

The following related topics are available:

Indicators Tab

Audits Tab

Holiday Parameter Schedule Standard Date 1

Holiday Parameter Schedule Standard Date 1 determines the starting date of the holiday. The holiday time frame begins on the date entered here, on the time defined by Holiday Parameter Schedule Standard Time 1.

Valid Values: Any valid, properly formatted date.


This parameter is found in Configuration > Assignments > Holiday > Parameter > Schedule Process.

Holiday Parameter Schedule Standard Date 2

Holiday Parameter Schedule Standard Date 2 determines the ending date of the holiday. The holiday time frame ends on the date entered here, on the time defined by Holiday Parameter Schedule Standard Time 2.

Valid Values: Any valid date.


This parameter is found in Configuration > Assignments > Holiday > Parameter > Schedule Process.

Holiday Parameter Schedule Standard Time 1

Holiday Parameter Schedule Standard Time 1 determines the starting time of the holiday. The holiday time frame begins on the time entered here, on the date defined by Holiday Parameter Schedule Standard Date 1.

Valid Values: Any valid time, expressed in 24-hour format.


This parameter is found in Configuration > Assignments > Holiday > Parameter > Schedule Process.

Holiday Parameter Schedule Standard Time 2

Holiday Parameter Schedule Standard Time 2 determines the starting time of the holiday. The holiday time frame begins on the time entered here, on the date defined by Holiday Parameter Schedule Standard Date 2.

Valid Values: Any valid time, expressed in 24-hour format.


This parameter is found in Configuration > Assignments > Holiday > Parameter > Schedule Process.