Holiday Category

The Holiday Category screen stores all the categories used to group similar holiday codes. The Holiday Category Code is used with the Every Other Same Holiday assignment to match a holiday in the previous year with the same holiday in the current year.

Multiple assignments for the same holiday can be assigned to the same holiday category. For example, if there are several Thanksgiving holiday codes, a Holiday Category for "Thanksgiving" can be created and assigned to all those Thanksgiving holiday options. The Holiday Category is assigned to a holiday in the Holiday configuration screen.

If available, Indicator and/or Parameter tabs open screens to view settings that determine processing rules specific to the open record.


For more information, see Configuration > System > Indicators and/or Parameters.

The Audits tab opens a screen to view an audit trail on additions, edits, and deletions to the open record.

Record Management

Depending on the user's authorization level, the following actions may be available.


The options listed below are not available for some screens.

Depending on the page displayed, the following fields may be available. Click on the link to view a description of the fields.




A short, alphanumeric name or abbreviation identifying this holiday category.


The label describing this holiday category code.

Action Buttons

The following Action buttons may be available in the left pane, depending on the page that is open: