
The General button opens a screen to configure basic information on a class, including date, time, and status information. Once this screen has been completed, select the section options in the left pane to configure additional information on this class.

When an existing class record is open, a message box is displayed if the configuration is not completed. Any information on prerequisite classes is also displayed.

If available, Indicator and/or Parameter tabs open screens to view settings that determine processing rules specific to the open record.


For more information, see Configuration > System > Indicators and/or Parameters.

The Audits tab opens a screen to view an audit trail on additions, edits, and deletions to the open record.

Depending on the page displayed, the following fields may be available. Click on the link to navigate to the description.

Class Group Code


Course Code


Education Report Group Code

End Time

Enrollment Method


Inactive Classes

Instructor First Name

Instructor Last Name


Maximum Enrollment

Minimum Enrollment

Organization Unit


Start Date

Start Time

Start Range Begin

Start Range End


Status Comment


Total Enrolled


The following additional tabs of information are available in this page:







Transaction Entry

Creating an Education Tracking Class

Class Group Code

The identification code of the class group being searched for. Class groups include multiple classes that need to be scheduled as a single class.


The classroom where this class will be held.

Course Code

The alphanumeric short name or abbreviation for the course being taught through this class.


Label describing the education tracking course.

Education Report Group Code

Assigns this class to a specific report group for printing reports.

End Time

The ending time of the class, expressed in 24-hour format. If an hours value was set up for the course, this End Time is automatically calculated when the Start Time value is entered.

Enrollment Method

Setting that determines whether employees are immediately enrolled in a class or an enrollment request is submitted that requires approval by an authorized user.

Enrollment Method Options

The following Enrollment Method options are available:


All employees are immediately enrolled in the class without submitting a request.


Employees who have a mandatory requirement for a course (based on education requirements) are immediately enrolled in the class without submitting a request.

Employees who have a non-mandatory requirement for the course or no requirement are submitted as a request to enroll in the class. The request must be approved before the employee is enrolled in the class.


All employees are submitted as a request to enroll in the class. The request must be approved before the employee is enrolled in the class.


Indicates whether the class roster has reached the maximum capacity allowed in the class (Yes/No).

Inactive Classes

Indicates whether to include classes scheduled after the date the related course/competency requirement has expired, such as the default expiration date set up on the Course/Competency configuration screen is earlier than the scheduled class.

Instructor First Name

Search by the first name of one of the instructors assigned to teach this class.

Instructor Last Name

Search by the last name of one of the instructors assigned to teach this class.


The Keywords field can be used to save a string of keywords specific to the course.

The Keywords field is comma-delimited, meaning that multiple keywords need to be separated by commas. Keywords are not case sensitive.

Using keywords in your course or class search can help you find the correct course or class more quickly and easily.

For example, on an Orientation course, you may want to add these keywords to the Keywords field: new, employees, hospital, policies, training. Notice all the words are separated by commas.

In this example, searching for courses or classes with these keywords will find the Orientation course or its associated classes:

Again using this example, searching for courses or classes with these keywords will not find the Orientation course or its associated classes:

Maximum Enrollment

The maximum number of employees who can register for this class. This value is filled by the system, and is determined by the lesser value of the maximum capacity of the related course and the maximum capacity of the classrooms. If there is no limit to the number of employees that can be enrolled in a class, this field displays "Unlimited".

Minimum Enrollment

The minimum number of employees who should be registered for a class before it will be held. A blank field indicates there is no minimum enrollment required.

Organization Unit

Search for a class based on the organization unit.


Allows the user to search for classes which use a specific resource.

Start Date

The calendar date the class is scheduled to begin.

Start Time

The starting time of the class, expressed in 24-hour format.

Start Range Begin

The beginning date for the range for your search. The results list classes scheduled between the Start Range Begin and the Start Range End dates. The default is for a two week window starting with today's date but either date can be changed.

The Start Range Begin date can be left blank to display all classes scheduled prior to the entered Start Range End date.

Start Range End

The ending date for the range for your search. The results list classes scheduled between the Start Range Begin and the Start Range End dates. The default is for a two week window starting with today's date but either date can be changed.

The Start Range End date can be left blank to display all classes scheduled after the Start Range Begin date.


The current status standing of the class, such as restricted, limited, pending, posted, or canceled.

Status Comment

Any comments explaining the status field entry.


Free-form text field to enter more information, such as a more detailed description of this course.

Total Enrolled

The number of people currently enrolled in this class. This value is automatically entered by the system.


The system verifies all entered data to determine if there are any warning messages generated by conflicts or missing values with this class. If there are any warning messages, this field is set to "No" by the system. This field is read only, but may be used as a search criterion.

Action Buttons

The following Action buttons may be available in the left pane:


Click on the Delete button to delete the open class record.


A class cannot be deleted until all attendees have been removed from the roster.


For more information, see Deleting a Record.


Click on the Replicate button to create another class with all the same attributes as the currently open record. The replicated record can be modified to change the date, time, or location.

A message is displayed to determine whether to include the current attendees in this same class as well.