
The General button opens a screen to assign one or more predefined system authorization roles to employees in this organization unit, or to deny access to an inherited role granted through a higher level home organization unit.

Once this screen is completed and saved the Data Access button is available to assign specific employees, organization units and/or pay codes associated with each Role assignment.

Depending on the page displayed, the following fields may be available. Click on the link to navigate to the description.


Authorization Role Code


The following related topics are available:

Data Access

Steps for Adding an Organization Unit Role

Steps for Denying an Inherited Organization Unit Role


The classification of the role, such as Standard, Customer, User Defined or Replicated, to be assigned to this organization unit.

Authorization Role Code

Role code that determines which screens and processes the users have access to, and the level of access.


Indicates whether the user should be denied permissions to the role at this level (Yes/No). When the Denied field is set to Yes, this overrides any inherited role for this user and removes data access.