Schedule Group
The Schedule Group screen is used to add, edit, and delete the organization units that are combined into a Schedule Group. These schedule groups can be used when creating schedules, viewing staffing screens, and generating reports.
When accessing a screen that allows schedule groups, click the option near the Schedule Group label to enable the Schedule Group field. Then select the schedule group from the values shown.
It is important to understand the following details about schedule groups:
You must have data access to all the organization units in the schedule group to be able to see it.
An organization unit can belong to more than one scheduling group at the same time.
You can set a schedule group to active or inactive at any time. For example, you may want to set a new schedule group to inactive until you finish setting it up. Or you may want to inactivate a schedule group that is no longer in use so that employees no longer see it and try to use it. Inactivating out-of-date schedule groups keeps the list of schedule groups seen by employees current and uncluttered.
Inactive schedule groups are not visible from the following screens:
Schedule screen and Create Schedule screen
Current Staffing Overview
Requests screens (from the Actions > Approval card)
Default Schedule Group screen (from My Preferences and System Preferences)
However, inactive schedule groups can always be seen from the following screens:
Schedule Group screen when searching for schedule groups (from the Configuration > Scheduling card)
Reports that use Schedule Group as an optional parameter to run the report
Once a Schedule Group record is open, the following options are available in the left pane:
General - Displays basic information about the schedule group
Criteria - Opens a screen to add, edit, and view the organization units included in the schedule group
When editing, use the arrow on the record's row to open and view or edit the organization unit details and its parameters.
To add a new schedule group, complete the following steps.
. -
Under Actions, click Add.
Enter or select information in the available fields.
Code - a short, alphanumeric name or abbreviation to identify this schedule group
Description - the full label describing this schedule group
This description is displayed in areas that show available schedule groups.
Active - determines whether the schedule group is available as a selection on various screens where schedule groups are used
See the information in the list above for more information about active and inactive schedule groups.
Click Save to save this basic information.
You are now on the General tab, containing the information you just entered.
Under Schedule Group Sections, click Criteria.
The Criteria button opens a screen to add organization units to this schedule group.
Under Actions, click Add Organization Unit.
Select the desired organization unit.
Optional. Click the Parameters tab and make any desired changes.
Click Save.
As needed, repeat steps 6-9, adding as many organization units as you want to this schedule group.
Organization units can be from different organization levels, wings, buildings, facilities, etc.
The same organization unit can belong to more than one scheduling group.
To remove organization units from the schedule group, complete the following steps.
Search for and open the schedule group.
Under Schedule Group Sections, click Criteria.
Select the organization units you want to remove.
Under Actions, click Delete Selected.