Selection Styles

The Selection Styles screen defines the rules used in the following scheduling features: automatic schedule creation, validation of manually entered schedule assignments, self scheduling, and the Scheduling Assistant wizards. After being created in this screen, default selection styles can be selected on Preferences > My Preferences > Default Selection Styles.

Each selection style (except for Edit Validation) can contain multiple passes. For example, an Automatic Schedule selection style can have the first pass create the core schedules, the next pass generate need-based schedules based on rotation schedules, the next pass generate need-based schedules without rotations but with preferences, or the next pass generate need-based schedules without rotations and without preferences. With each pass, the system searches for employees who meet all the qualification rules of the pass to fill schedule openings not filled from the previous pass(es). An existing pass can be copied and modified to create a new pass.

The Call In and Call Off Wizard selection styles can also contain multiple passes to create a hierarchy of the employees included in the results list. For example, the first pass in a "Call Off" selection style may search for all employees who are in overtime and the second pass may include all non-home employees. When the process is run, the user can see in which pass the employee was qualified for the list.

For more information on setting up a new selection style, see the following topics:

Steps for Adding an Auto Schedule Selection Style

Steps for Adding an Edit Validation Selection Style

Steps for Adding a Call In Selection Style

Steps for Adding a Call Off Selection Style

Selection Styles can be set up in this screen for the following Types of validation:

Auto(matic) Schedule

Defines the passes for the scheduling process, including the sequence of the passes, the rules validated with each pass, and the sort order of scheduling qualified employees.

Edit Validation

Verifies that an employee being manually added to the schedule meets the specified qualifications of the profile and does not violate any of the selected rules, such as overtime or maximum work stretch rules.

Call In

Determines the rules for creating a listing of employees to call in to work, to fill staffing needs. Several passes can be run to sort the list by employees who should be called first, such as highest seniority or furthest under approved hours.

Call Off

Determines the rules for creating a listing of employees to call off of work, such as if the unit is over-staffed. Several passes can be run to sort the list by employees who should be called first, such as lowest seniority or most overtime hours.


Depending on the Selection Style Type, the following options may be available in the Selection Style Sections in the left pane.


Displays general information regarding this selection style including the code, description and Selection Style Category.



Opens a screen to configure one or more passes to find qualified employees. Each pass has its own set of Selection Rules and Qualification Rules. In addition, passes for the Schedule Assistant has Sorting Rules to rank qualified employees.


The Passes button is not available when configuring an Edit Validation selection style.

Action Buttons

The following Action buttons may be available in the left pane, depending on the page that is open: