Authorization Controls

The Authorization Controls button opens a screen that lists all the Authorization Policy options in the system. Each Authorization Role is given access to a selected combination of specific tables, fields or actions required by users assigned to that role.

The Authorization Policy Hierarchy tree displays the structure of the Authorization Policy. Click the plus icon to expand the tree to view the levels below. Users must have access to the level above in order to access information in a level in the structure. For example, a user must have access to the Actions Section before he/she can access the Employee Card within the action section.

Authorization Policy Hierarchy:


Indicates the top level of the system and grants access to all levels below it. Some features are linked directly below the root level without being linked through a section.


Indicates the feature sections in the system, such as Actions, Configuration, Employee, Preferences, or Home Page. Click the sign to the left of the section name to open a listing of cards within the section.


These sections are also displayed as icons at the top of the display screen. Select Add to add the sections to the role.


Indicates groupings of tables within a specific section, for example, the Assignments card in the Configuration section. Click the sign to the left of the Card name to open a listing of screens within the card. Click on the Add button to add access to specific cards. The assignment options for the cards are Yes/No for Read access.


Indicates screens within a specific card, for example, the Assignment Codes table within the Assignments card. Click the expand arrow on the record to open it and view the fields within the screen. The assignment options for screens within configuration cards are Yes/No for Read, Create, Edit or Delete.


Indicates specific fields within the screen, for example, the Employee Status field in the Employee Record table. Each field can have a separate access level to Read, Create, Edit or Delete information within that field. The field inherits the access level set for the screen in the General tab, unless overridden for a field.


The following topics are available on this page:

Filtering the Authorization Policy List

Viewing the Authorization Policy Records

The following related topics are available:


Level Assignments

Steps for Adding a New Authorization Role

Steps for Replicating an Authorization Role

Overriding Schedule Validation Exceptions

Troubleshooting Authorization Role Assignments