Granting Access to a Required Screen

Issue: Users do not have access to a screen that is required for them.

Troubleshooting Tips:

If the employee does not have the icon to access a specific screen, they do not have a role assignment that grants permission to the screen. This can be resolved in one of the following ways:

To find the roles that grant access to a screen, run the Authorization Roles Assigned to a Policy report. This can be found in Reports > System. In the Field Look Up Values in the right pane, locate the required screen. Options are listed by Section, then Card, then Screen.

  1. Click on the Request Report button. The generated report lists all the roles that contain the required policy.

  2. Click on the box to the left of a policy to open and view the other attributes of the policy.

  3. To view other policies granted to a user through a specific role, run the Authorization Control report for that same role. If this policy meets the needs of the user, it can be assigned to the user.

Granting Access to a Screen:

  1. From Configuration > System, open the Roles screen.

  2. Search for and open the record to be updated, or create a new role.

  3. Click on the Authorization Controls button in the left pane.

  4. Expand the folders in the Authorization Policy Hierarchy to find the screen or policy to be updated.


    In order to access a specific screen, the user must grant access to each of the levels above the selected screen. In the example below, the users are first given access to the Preferences Section. The User Preferences Card is then available.

  5. Set the Read value to Yes to allow the user to view the screen, and set the Edit value to Yes to allow the user to enter values into the screen.