Setting Access to a Specific Field on a Record

Issues: Users are not able to view a specific field on a screen--or users are able to view a field that they should not have access to view.

Troubleshooting Tips:

Access to certain fields within in a record can be limited. This feature can be used to prevent users from viewing sensitive data, such as employee pay rates or dates of birth.

  1. Check Employee > TCS > Employee Authorization Information Card to view the policies assigned to an employee, and to determine the role granting access to that policy (screen).

  2. If a user does not have the proper access to a specific field:

    • The user can be assigned to another role to grant or deny the required field access.

    • An existing non-standard role can be updated to grant or deny the field access.

    • A new role can be created which has the required access and assigned to the user.

Setting Field Access in a Record:

  1. From Configuration > System, open the Roles screen.

  2. Search for and open the record to be updated, or create a new role.

  3. Click on the Authorization Controls button in the left pane.

  4. Expand the folders in the Authorization Policy Hierarchy to find the screen to be updated.


    In order to access a specific screen, the user must grant access to each of the levels above the selected screen.

  5. Click the card arrow on the record to open and access the tabs.

  6. When an access level is set on the General tab, all the fields listed on the Field tab inherit the setting. Access to individual fields can be changed on the Field tab. For example, if the Edit option is set to Yes on the General tab, all the fields on the Field tab are automatically checked to be editable. Certain fields can be changed to be not editable by removing the Edit check mark for that field.


    A function access level must be set to Yes on the General screen in order to be able to update the field actions in the Field screen. For example, in order to be able to Edit access to the individual fields, the Edit access must be set to Yes. If it is set to No, access to the Edit fields are not enabled on the Field tab.

  7. Click on the Field tab to open it. From this screen, place a check mark in the fields to indicate whether the users should have Read, Create and/or Edit access to a particular field. The setting in this screen will override the default screen setting on the General tab. Clicking on the box alternately checks and un-checks the access level.

    • Check the Read box to allow users to be able to view this field

    • Check the Create box to allow users to enter a value when creating a new record.

    • Check the Edit box to allow users to update the value that is in the field of a saved record.

  8. Save the record.