Setting Read, Create, Edit, and/or Delete Access to Records

Issues: Users assigned to a role do not have the required access to read, create, edit and/or delete a specific record--or assigned users have access to one or more functions they should not.

Troubleshooting Tips:

Users are able to Read, Create, Edit and/or Delete a record if the proper authorization is set up on the related policy screen. For example, users assigned to a role are able to open the Holiday screen and Read records, Create new records, and Edit existing records because the access for these functions are set to Yes. They cannot Delete a record because that function is set to No.

  1. Check Employee > TCS > Employee Authorization Information Card to view the policies assigned to an employee, and to determine the role granting access to that policy.

  2. Run the Authorization Control report for the specified role to view the details, including the level of override allowed.

  3. If users do not have the required authorization level for the required functionality:

    • The user can be assigned to another role with the required functionality access.

    • An existing non-standard role can be updated to grant the required access.

    • A new role can be created which has the required access and assigned to the user.

Setting the Allowed Functionality:

In the example below, the Holiday screen is being set for users to be able to read, edit and create records. They are not allowed to delete existing records.

  1. From Configuration > System > Role, open the record to be updated, or create a new role.

  2. Click on the Authorization Controls button in the left pane.

  3. Expand the folders in the Authorization Policy Hierarchy to find the screen or policy to be updated.


    In order to access a specific screen, the user must grant access to each of the levels above the selected screen. In the example below, the users are first given access to the Configuration Section and then the Assignments Card. The Holiday screen is then available to set up by selecting the Add button to the left of the record.

  4. Open the policy record by clicking the card arrow on the record.

  5. For each function, set the value to Yes or No by clicking on the arrow to the left of the field and then selecting the setting.

  6. Save the record.