Setting Supervisor Approval Requirements of Employee-Submitted Transactions

Issues: Employees should be able to submit certain requests without them needing to be approved by a supervisor--or requests should require the approval of a supervisor.

Troubleshooting Tips:

Depending on authorization roles, employees may be able to add, edit, and/or delete transactions without needing to have the transaction approved by a supervisor. This authorization is set in the related transaction screen under the Employee Section in the Authorization Policy Hierarchy tree.

If users do not have the required authorization level for requests:

Setting the Transaction Request Status:

In the example below, the Employee Calendar screen is being set for users to be able to read, edit, and delete existing request records without supervisor approval. New requests must be approved by the supervisor.

  1. From Configuration > System > Role, open the record to be updated, or create a new role.

  2. Click on the Authorization Controls button in the left pane.

  3. Expand the folders in the Authorization Policy Hierarchy to find the screen or policy to be updated.


    In order to access a specific screen, the user must grant access to each of the levels above the selected screen. In the example below, the users are first given access to the Employee Section and then the Employee TCS Card, and finally the Employee Transaction policy screen.

  4. The transaction policies are then available to set up by selecting the Add button to the left of the record. Clicking on this button alternately adds and removes the policy.

  5. Open the policy record by clicking the card arrow on the record.

  6. For each request type, indicate if the employee should have the ability to Create, Edit, and/or Delete a transaction without it needing to go through a request queue for supervisor approval.

  7. When finished setting up each field, save the record.