Setting Validation Override Levels

Issues: The role currently assigned to a user allows too low of override capabilities, or it may not allow override at all--or the role may allow override of too high of validation messages, or no override should be allowed by the role.

Troubleshooting Tips:

Depending on assigned roles, users may be able to override the exception message generated when a validation rule is violated (by adding, editing, or approving a request or adding/editing a schedule) and save the record. The level of severity that can be overridden by a certain role is set up on the Maximum Severity Level field of the related screen. Without override capabilities, the user is given the exception message but cannot save the record.

Check the Employee record > TCS > Employee Authorization Information Card to view the policies assigned to an employee, and to determine the role granting access to that policy.

  1. Run the Authorization Control report for the specified role to view the details, including the level of override allowed.

  2. If a user does not have the exception override level required for his/her position:

    • The user can be assigned to another role with the required override access.

    • An existing non-standard role can have the Maximum Severity Level value updated to grant or the required override access or to remove override capabilities.

    • A new role can be created which has the required access, and the new role can be assigned to the user.

Setting the Maximum Severity Level:

In the example below, the validation exception override level is being set for supervisors approving Trade/Offer requests. Overrides for other policies can be found on the related cards, such as transaction requests or unavailability requests.

  1. From Configuration > System > Role, open the record to be updated.

  2. Click on the Authorization Controls button in the left pane.

  3. Expand the folders in the Authorization Policy Hierarchy to find the screen or policy to be updated.

  4. In the Maximum Severity Level field, indicate the severity level of the validation exception that can be overridden by users assigned to this role. Severity levels (in order of severity) are Critical, Warning, and Informational.

    • All exceptions with that severity level or below can be overridden for assigned users. For example, if this value is set to Warning, this user can override validation exceptions of Warning and Informational, but cannot override exceptions with a severity level of Critical.


    If no value is entered in this field, the user cannot override any level of exception message.

  5. Save the record.