
The General button opens a screen to configure basic information on the license, including expiration information.

After the information on the General screen has been Saved, the Courses section button is available in the left pane. To set up the license for Automatic Generation (based on the completion of specified courses/competencies), complete the Courses screen and also the Indicators and Parameters tabs. See Steps for Creating an Automatically Generated License.


General Tab

Contains information regarding the license and also regarding the expiration cycle of the license. If this licenses is not automatically generated, the other tabs do not need to be configured.

Courses Tab

Screen used to set up the expiration information for the automatic generation of this license. To select the required courses, click on the Courses button in the left pane.


Depending on the setting of System Indicator Schedule Process Standard 1, the Copy Obtained field, Require Verification Method Field and Verified by fields may need to contain certain values in order for the system to certify that the employee has a qualifying license.

When validating employee licenses, the setting of System Indicator, Schedule Process Standard 1 determines the criteria for whether the employee's license qualifies. This indicator can be found in Configuration > System > Indicator.

For each License record in the Employee License table, the following apply:

A Current License is defined as a License in the Employee License Record that has an Effective Date that occurs on or before the date of the schedule to be created and a Calculated Expiration Date that occurs on or after the date of the schedule to be created.

Indicator options of System Indicator Schedule Process Standard 1


A Current License is required (default).


A Current License is required and the Require Copy Obtained Field must be set to Yes


A Current License is required and the Require Verification Method field contains a valid value and Verified By field contains a value


A Current License is required and the Copy Obtained Field must be set to Yes, Require Verification Method field must contain a valid value, and the Verified By field must contain a value.


The following related topics are available:

Steps for Creating an Automatically Generated License
