Note Required

The Note Required screen is used to determine if a user must attach a note when information in certain fields is added, deleted, or updated for an employee's transaction or schedule.

When a user tries to save a record where the value for a selected field has been added, deleted, or edited, a message is generated indicating that a Note must be attached. The user then opens the Notes tab and can either select a Predefined Note or enter a custom note.


Only users who are authorized to add notes will be required to do so when editing a transaction.

To select fields for requiring a note, complete the following steps:

  1. Click the expand arrow on a card to open it and view the field options.

  2. Click on the box to the right of each field that should require a note when edited.

    To require notes for all the fields on a card, check the box to the right of the Field option for that card.

  3. When completed, click Save.