Predefined Notes

From the Predefined Notes screen, you can configure standardized text that employees can apply to pay periods, employee transactions, and the Schedule screen. For example, you may want standard transaction notes to describe employee time off, such as for a doctor's appointment, jury duty, or car trouble.

To add a Predefined Note, complete the following steps:

  1. Navigate to Configuration > System > Predefined Notes.

  2. Under Actions, click Add.

  3. Update the fields for your predefined note:

    • Code and Description: The short, alphanumeric name or abbreviation and the longer name for this predefined note.

    • Organization units: The units that have access to the predefined note.

    • Active: Set to Yes when the predefined note is ready to be visible and used by employees.

    • Denial Note: If the predefined note should be available to supervisors to describe why they are denying a calendar request, set to Yes.

      When set to Yes, other fields that no longer apply become unavailable and cannot be set.

    • Pay Period Note: If the predefined note should be available as Add Pay Period Note on the Employee screen, set to Yes.

    • Transaction Note: If the predefined note should be available to add to employee transactions (calendar, clocking, and adjustment), set to Yes.

    • Schedule Note: If the predefined note should be available from the Schedule screen and ActiveRoster, set to Yes.

    • Retro Job Note: If the predefined note should be available when adding or editing a Retro Calculator job, set to Yes.

      When set to Yes, other fields that no longer apply become unavailable and cannot be set.

    • Text Editable: If you allow employees to edit the predefined note text when applying one to a transaction, set to Yes.

    • Text: The words of the predefined note.


      If the Text Editable field is set to Yes, employees have the option of editing this text when the predefined note is applied to a transaction.

  4. Click Save.