Prompt Definition

The Prompt Definition button opens a screen to configure the prompts displayed to employees on the input devices when they are entering this transaction. The sequence these prompts appear and valid responses are defined here.

Action Buttons

The following buttons are available in the left pane to set up the sequence that the prompts are displayed:


Depending on the page displayed, the following fields may be available:

Display Delay

Display Text

Maximum Length

Maximum Value

Minimum Value



Prompt Definition Category



The following additional section options are available in the left pane:


Display Delay

The number of seconds the prompt will display before the next prompt is displayed.

Display Text

The text that is displayed on the input device, which gives instructions to the employee, such as Enter Date or Enter Pay Code.

Maximum Length

The maximum allowed characters for the prompt response. For example, if this is set to 4, only 4 characters can be entered.

Maximum Value

The largest value accepted as a response to this prompt.

Minimum Value

The smallest value accepted as a response to this prompt.


The code identifying this prompt, such as Date, Pay Code, or Hours.


The value to indicate the order the prompts should be displayed to the employees, such as 1 = first, 2 = second, 3 = third.

The numbers can be updated to change the sequence that the prompts will be displayed.

Prompt Definition Category

The value found in this field is used to determine the data which the prompt is requesting, such as Date, Hours, Pay Code, or Course. The valid values for this field are displayed in the drop down menu.


Indicates whether a value is required for this prompt or whether the system can accept an empty field.


Indicates the type of valid values accepted to this prompt, such as hour, date, string, or number.