Entering a Pending/Published Schedule (via the Add Calendar Screen)

A Calendar entry can be added to the Schedule screen as either a Pending (not published) employee schedule or as a Published (posted) employee schedule by selecting the proper button at the top of the entry screen.

To add this calendar to the Schedule screen, complete the following steps:

  1. After the steps for Entering a Calendar Entry are completed, select either the Pending button to open a screen to add an employee schedule with a status of Pending or the Published button to open a screen to add an employee schedule with a status of Published.

  2. On the General tab, information common to calendars and schedules is copied, such as the date, time, and hours of the calendar and the organization unit.

  3. Enter the Activity Code to be assigned to the employee on the Schedule screen.

  4. The Lunch Length (Hours) value of the activity code is copied from the Activity Code.

  5. Choose whether or not a shift should be listed as an Extra Shift.

    Marking certain shifts in the Current Staffing Overview screen as "extra" allows you to prioritize employees that should be called off first in the event of a low census scenario.

  6. Enter a Position Code assignment for this employee schedule.

  7. Enter a Profile that is linked to the previously selected Position Code.

  8. Click on the Save button at the bottom of the screen to save the record.