Add Message

The Add Message button opens a wizard to send a message to the employee whose record is currently open.

To send a message to an employee, complete the following steps:

  1. Click on the Employee button in the tool bar.

  2. Use the Employee Search to search for the employee to send the message to.

    • Select the employees to be sent the message by checking the box to the left of the employee names and then clicking on the folder icon to open the records.

    • From the Employee Actions in the left pane, select the Add Message button.

    • Note

      From this step, to send the same message to multiple employees, click on the Back button on the wizard to access the Employee Search screen to add to the list.

  3. In the Subject field, enter a title for this message. This title is displayed on the My Unread Messages card on the Home page.

  4. Select the level of Importance from the drop down menu. Icons are displayed for messages coded with High or Low importance.

  5. Enter the body of the message in the Text field. Employees can view this text when the message is opened.

  6. Click on Finish.

  7. The message displays on the My Unread Messages card of the Home page of all selected employees. The employee can view the message by selecting the View Messages button.

The following topics are available in this chapter





The subject of the message. This message title appears on the Home page in the Unread Messages section.


Indicates the urgency of this message, either Low, Normal, or High. If a message is coded high or low, an icon is displayed when the employee views the message.


The free-form text of the message. When a predefined note is selected, the text is automatically displayed. When the predefined note is configured to be editable, additional information can be entered in this field. If this is not a predefined note, type the message text in this field.