Life Cycle of a Request to Work

The Request to Work feature allows employees to search for schedule openings they are qualified to work and submit requests to work those shifts. The following summarizes the life cycle of a request to work.

  1. Employees submit requests to work from the Monthly View screen.

    The available activity code vacancies are:

    • Based on position permissions or on required job class and/or license qualifications

    • Authorized for Request to Work

      • In Configuration > Scheduling > Activity Code > Indicators, Activity Code Indicator Schedule Standard 7 is set to Yes.

      • In Configuration > Labor Distribution > Profile > Activities, the Requests to Work field is set to allow this feature.

    • Within the Request to Work Period

      The Request to Work Period is a rolling time frame defined as the days on or after the Request to Work Begin Days value through the end of the schedule period that contains the Request to Work End Days value. These values are set up on the organization unit's Staffing Configuration (see Configuration > Scheduling > Staffing Configuration > Request to Work tab).

      • The value of the Request to Work Begin Days is added to the current day to determine the Request to Work minimum date.

        For example, if this value is set to 3, employees can submit requests for available schedules starting three days after today. If this value is set to 0, employees can submit requests to work on the current date.

      • The value of the Request to Work End Days is added to the current day to determine the Request to Work maximum date.

        The entire schedule period that contains this date will be open for Request to Work.

      • If the maximum date lands in the next schedule period, the entire next schedule period is also open for Request to Work.


        If the End Days value is set to 28, and there are 35 days remaining in the current schedule period, the rest of the current schedule period is open for Request to Work.

        If the End Days value is set to 28, and there are only 19 days remaining in the current schedule period, the maximum date lands in the next schedule period. In this situation, the rest of the current schedule period and the entire next schedule period are open for Request to Work.

  2. The submission of the request causes the schedule processing to run and validate the selected rules, based on the assigned Request to Work Selection Style. Depending on the employees' authorization role, they may be able to override validation messages returned.

    • The submission of the Request to Work causes a record to be created in the My Requests to Work screen on the employee's Home page and on Employee > TCS > Requests. Employees can monitor the status of the request from any of these screens.

    • The submission of the Request to Work also causes a notification to the manager of the organization where the schedule is to be worked that a Request has been created.

  3. The manager can review the request through Actions > Approval > Requests to Work, or through Actions > Scheduling > Schedule > Schedule Tools > Review Requests. All requests for the same schedule opening are displayed together.

  4. The manager can change the status of the request from either of these screens.

    The following Request Status Code options are available:


    The request has been reviewed and is allowed (approved) by the supervisor.


    The request has been reviewed and is rejected (denied) by the supervisor.


    The request has been withdrawn (canceled) by the supervisor or employee.


    The request has not yet been reviewed by the supervisor.

  5. Approval causes the schedule process to run again, to verify that any changes since the submission and the approval do not violate the selected rules. Depending on the manager's permissions they may be able to override the validation messages returned. If validation messages are returned and the manager cannot override them, the Request to Work is not approved.

    • When successfully approved, a published schedule entry is created and is visible on the organization Schedule screen.

    • Changing the status of the Request to Work causes a notification to be sent to the employee and any other users with data access to the employee (such as the employee's Home supervisors or managers).

    • The request status is also updated on the employee's My Requests to Work screen.

The following related topics are available:

Submitting a Request to Work