Login Tab

The Login tab gives information on the employee user name and directory service.

Depending on the page displayed, the following fields may be available. Click on the link to navigate to the description.

Confirm Password

Directory Service Name

Login Name

Login Number

Login PIN


The following additional tabs of information are available in this page:

General Tab

Indicators Tab

Parameters Tab

Classification Tab

Home Labor Distribution

Audits Tab

Confirm Password

Compares this field against the Password field to verify the password was entered the same both times.

Directory Service Name

The Directory Service value assigned to this employee, if applicable, which allows the employee to log into the application using network login information.

Login Name

The login name of a user, which must be entered to access the system.

Login Number

The numeric value set up for the employee to access non-portal input devices, such as TimeCall.

Login PIN

The Personal Identification Number value used as a security code to access non-portal input devices, such as TimeCall.


The security password required for the user to successfully log into the application.