Viewing the Education Summary

The Education Summary page displays employee class requirements and history based on active labor distributions assigned to the employee, such as organization units, job classes or positions.

This page displays information regarding upcoming assigned classes and classes previously taken.

See the section on Steps for Enrolling in a Class from the Education Summary for further information.

The following icons are displayed on the Education Summary screen:


This icon is displayed to the left of any requirement that has expired or was never taken.

Icon for Class search

Class Enrollment

This icon opens the Class Search screen to find applicable classes listed. If no classes exist, the search page remains open without a list.


This icon indicates this is a computer based training (CBT) class. Click on the icon to open the link to the class.


The check mark in the Mandatory column indicates this course or competency is mandatory or required in order for the employee to meet the education requirements for scheduling.


The Show Non Mandatory check box in the left pane must be checked to display courses that are not required.


This icon indicates that the employee is exempt from this requirement because the Exempt field was set to Yes for the related employee Curriculum.


The Show Exempt check box in the left pane must be checked to display the exempt courses.


This icon is displayed to the left of any requirement that has expired or was never taken.

Icon for Class search

Class Enrollment

This icon opens the Class Search screen to find applicable classes listed. If no classes exist, the search page remains open without a list.


This icon indicates this is a computer based training (CBT) class. Click on the icon to open the link to the class.


The check mark in the Mandatory column indicates this course or competency is mandatory or required in order for the employee to meet the education requirements for scheduling.


The Show Non Mandatory check box in the left pane must be checked to display courses that are not required.


This icon indicates that the employee is exempt from this requirement because the Exempt field was set to Yes for the related employee Curriculum.


The Show Exempt check box in the left pane must be checked to display the exempt courses.

Depending on the page displayed, the following fields may be available. Click on the link to navigate to the description.

Attendance Status

Course Code



Enrollment Status

Expiration Date


Last Taken


Next Scheduled



The following related topics are available:

Steps for Enrolling in a Class from the Education Summary

Attendance Status

The employee status for the course/competency, such as present or not present.


The options available are previously set up on Configuration > Education Tracking > Employee Attendance Status.

Course Code

The identification code of the course or competency.


The number of education credits earned by completing a course, if applicable.


The label describing the course or competency.

Enrollment Status

The status of the employee related to the enrollment into this class, such as Enrolled, Withdrawn, or Walk-In.

Expiration Date

The date the education requirement expires. This date may be based on the expiration cycle set up on the requirement or based on the employee's hire date or position effective date.

If the value displayed in this field is Never, this course/competency may have a frequency value of Once or the employee may be Exempt from this requirement.


The number of continuing education hours earned by completing this course, if applicable.

Last Taken

The date this requirement was last completed. If this field says "never" the employee has never taken this course/competency.


The check mark indicates whether this course/competency or category is considered to be mandatory or required.


When an education requirement's mandatory flag is set to No, that course/competency or category is still required for the education record, but it is not required for the employee to be scheduled (even when the Education Requirements Qualification rule is applied in the Selection Style for scheduling).

Next Scheduled

The date the employee is scheduled to take a class to complete this requirement.

If no class is scheduled, the employee can click on the icon to the left of the requirement to open a screen to search for the class.


Indicates whether this is a standard requirement (All) or a pool requirement. Pool requirements show the number of units and type of requirement. For example, "1.000000 Course" indicates this is a pool requirement of 1 of the listed Courses.


An icon indicates the method this record was added, such as Manual, Badge Reader, or Conversion. Point to the icon with the mouse to view the tooltip showing the source.