Sessions Tab

The Sessions tab is only displayed if the class is a multi-session class and the session transactions were entered via a badge reader.

In the Class Groups screen, the Transaction Generation field determines how these sessions are posted.

To view the details of the sessions, click on the folder to open the record. The fields can be edited from this screen.

Depending on the page displayed, the following fields may be available. Click on the link to navigate to the description.

When Attended Date

Start Time

End Date

End Time

Attendance Status

Transaction Status

The following additional tabs of information are available in this page:

General Screen

Adding an Education Transaction Record

Handling Employee Education Transaction Requests in the Employee Record

When Attended Date

The calendar date when this class session was held.

Start Time

The time when this class session began on the When Attended Date.

End Date

The calendar date when this class session ended. If this field is left blank, it is assumed that the class ended the same date as it started.

End Time

The time on the End Date when the class session ended.

Attendance Status

The employee status for the session, such as present or not present.


The options available are previously set up on Configuration > Education Tracking > Employee Attendance Status.

Transaction Status

The employee's status for this class session transaction, such as Canceled, Failed, Incomplete, Passed, No Show, or Withdrawn.


Only transaction status options with the Passed field set to Yes will fulfill the educational requirements of the course.


The options available have been previously set up on Configuration > Education Tracking > Education Transaction Status.