TCS (Time Card Screen)
The TCS (Time Card Screen) is the default screen when opening an employee record. It displays multiple cards of information for the selected employee. Many of the cards display information that is specific to a pay period, such as transactions or benefit balances. The pay period can be changed from the left pane in the Employee Navigator.
To access pay periods other than those in the pay period list, expand the list and click Load More.
The Time Card Screen can consist of up to three panes. The first card at the top of each area is automatically open. Cards can be opened or closed by clicking the card arrow.
The default information cards displayed to all users are selected here:
.If authorized, you can customize your display here:
.For explanations of the information cards available, see the topics below.

The Assignments card displays the assignment rules that apply to this employee. The Assignment Code, which determines the specific rule the employee qualifies for, is also displayed. The employee's assignment is determined by the qualification Criteria values set up on the Assignment Code screen. If an employee does not qualify for any other assignment in the assignment source, they are given the all assignment.
See the Assignment Codes screen to view the details for a specific assignment rule.
The following fields are displayed on the Assignments card:
Assignment Source
The code identifying the Assignment Source. Employees are assigned one of the assignment codes assigned to an assignment source.
The identification code of the Assignment given to the employee.
The label describing the Assignment Code record.

The Attendance+ Transactions card displays the attendance tracking activity for the open pay period.
To view the Attendance+ activity for the previous pay period or next pay period, use the Pay Period Selector in the left pane to change the dates.
The following fields are displayed on the Attendance+ Transaction card:
The date that the Attendance+ transaction took place.
The source of the input of the transaction, such as Manual or Auto Generated.
The label describing the Attendance+ transaction
The code that describes the attendance occurrence being tracked. The codes that are available are previously set up on the Attendance configuration screen and assigned to the organization unit specified in the previous field.
The number of Attendance Units given to the employee for this type of transaction. The number of units generated is determined by a parameter setting on the Attendance Codes screen (Attendance Standard Integer 1). If an employee accumulates a certain number of Attendance Units within a specified time, disciplinary action may be taken.

The Authentication History card displays a record of employee login attempts during the current pay period, including whether or not the attempt was successful, the application code the employee logged into, login type and name, the windows user, and the IP address.
This information is retrieved from the AuthenticationHistory table. The AuthenticationHistory table is logged when an employee logs into the Web Portal, ESS, TimeCall® and any utility that connects to the database, such as Process Developer or Work Order Installer.

The Benefit Balances card displays the beginning and ending balances for all the Benefit categories assigned to the employee. Click the card arrow to open a screen to view the details of accruals, taken, and submitted amounts for the current pay period and for year-to-date totals.
The following fields are available on the Benefit Balances screen:
The Benefit Category this Benefit Plan belongs to.
Beginning Balance
The number of units, such as hours, the employee started with at the beginning of the pay period.
Ending Balance
The number of units, such as hours, the employee has left at the end of the pay period. This value is the Beginning Balance + Accrued units - Taken units.
Eligibility Date
The date the employee became eligible for this benefit plan.
The number of units, such as hours, the employee has accumulated during the open pay period.
The number of units, such as hours, the employee has used during the open pay period. This includes any approved requests.
The number of units, such as hours, the employee submitted during the open pay period. This may be different than the Taken value, if not all the units were able to be used. For example if an employee submitted more hours than was allowed, the Submitted units may be more than the Taken units.

The DeductIT Balances card displays the employee's activity using the DeductIT feature during the open pay period, including the Beginning Balance, Ending Balance and the current pay period charges and payments. There are also Year to Date values for charges and payments.
Click the card arrow to open and view the details.
To view the DeductIT activity for the previous pay period or next pay period, use the Pay Period Selector in the left pane to change the dates.

The DeductIT Payments card displays the payments that have been made to the employee's DeductIT balances during the current pay period. The top of the screen displays the totals for all the deductions taken during the open pay period, as listed on the card.
Each DeductIT transaction is displayed on a separate card. Click the card arrow to open the card and display the details regarding the deduction transaction.
To view the DeductIT activity for the previous pay period or next pay period, use the Pay Period Selector in the left pane to change the dates.
The following fields are displayed on the DeductIT Payments card:
The code that identifies this DeductIT transaction. The codes that are available are previously set up on the DeductIT Codes configuration screen.
Deduction This Pay Period
The dollar amount that was deducted from the employee's paycheck during the pay period that is currently open.
Transaction Date
The date of the original DeductIT transaction (not the date of the deduction).
This value shows the sequence of this deduction compared to the total number of deductions set up in the Interval field in the original transaction. For example, the value 1/2 indicates this is the first of two deductions that will be taken.
Amount Charged
The total amount of the original DeductIT Transaction
The dollar amount that was deducted from the employee's paycheck during the pay period that is currently open.

The Device Assignments card displays the input devices, such as badge readers, assigned to this employee. Devices assigned to an employee through the employee's home organization unit assignment have an Assignment Type of Home OU; devices assigned directly to the employee through the Devices screen have an Assignment Type of Employee.
If no devices are assigned to employees, they are authorized to use all devices.
For more information on assigning an input device directly to an employee, see
For more information on assigning input devices to an organization unit, see
The Employee Authorization Information card displays the policies and roles assigned to an employee. This card is found in the TCS screen in the employee record.
If this card is not visible, it can be added to the TCS by going to
and dragging the Employee Authorization Information card to the Selected column.-
The Policy tab displays the policies, such as access to sections, cards, screens, or functions, assigned to the employee and the roles that grant the employee that policy.
The Role tab displays the roles assigned to the employee and whether the role has been assigned directly to the employee (through the employee Roles in the employee record) or indirectly through an organization unit role. If the role is assigned indirectly, the organization unit where the role is assigned is listed in the Organization Unit column.
Click on a role to be taken to the role's configuration screen or click its assignment to be taken to either the employee's role screen (Direct) or the organization unit's role screen (Indirect).

The Employee General Information card contains information on the employee, including phone, address, and email information.
General Tab
The General tab displays information that is found in
.Phone Tab
The Phone tab displays telephone information that is found in
.Address Tab
The Address tab displays employee address information that is found in
.Email Tab
The Email tab displays information that is found in
The Exceptions card opens a listing of the payroll exceptions for this employee, generated during the calculations processing.
The user has the ability to indicate the transaction was handled (reviewed or an action taken) by entering a check mark in the box to the left of the record.
The user can undo the check mark of a previously handled exception, from this screen, to indicate that further action is needed.
Action Buttons
The following Action buttons are available in the Exceptions screen:
Handle Selected
The Handle Selected button allows the user to indicate any or all of the situations that generated an exception message handled (viewed and/or an action taken).
Unhandle Selected
The Unhandle Selected button allows the user to remove the Handled check mark which indicated the selected exceptions were previously handled.
Check the selection box to the left of each record to be updated.
Click on the Unhandle Selected button at the bottom of the screen.
The check mark now is removed from the right of the exception icon, indicating that the exception is no longer marked as Handled.
The following icons may be displayed when viewing the exceptions records:
Critical Exception |
Indicates a serious issue with an employee time card. The time card cannot be approved until this exception has been resolved. An example of a critical exception is "An Odd Clocking was detected". |
Warning Exception |
Indicates a moderate issue in an employee time card. The time card can still be approved. An example of a warning exception is "Hours reported in excess of Approved Hours in the pay period." |
Informational Exception |
Indicates a relatively minor issue in an employee time card. The time card can still be approved if this exception is not resolved. An example of an informational exception would be if an employee clocked in at an unauthorized badge reader. |
Pending Exception |
Indicates exceptions that will be displayed in the future if the employee's time card data does not change. Pending exceptions are determined by the (Calcs) process and stored with the record but not displayed until the day after the day associated with the record. |
Adjustment |
Indicates an adjustment transaction. |
Calendar |
Indicates an employee calendar entry. |
Clocking |
Indicates an employee clocking entry. |
Handled Exception |
The check mark indicates the user has handled the exception by checking the box to the left of the message and selecting the Handle Selected button. |
Assignment Source |
This icon appears next to those exceptions relating to assignments. The tool-tip for the assignment source icon displays the classification and code of the assignment source. |

The Grant Details card lists pay codes and hours for this employee for transactions that involve grant codes. Click the card arrow to open the record and view details. Select the tabs to view a break down of pay codes and hours by weeks and then by days of the week.
The symbol indicates pay codes where Pay Code Indicator System Standard 1 is set to Y to indicate Worked Hours.

The Labor Distributions card lists the employee labor distribution assignments, indicating if they are Primary Home, Alternate Home or Alternate assignments. Click on the card arrow to the right of the record to open and view the details of each labor distribution assignment.

The Notes card displays notes attached to transactions for this employee for the current pay period. These include notes added on the Notes tab of transactions, notes submitted via the Add Pay Period Note button, and also any notes added in the Reason field for transaction requests, such as the reason for submitting an unavailability request.
Authorized users can cancel their own notes from this screen for pay periods that are not closed. This prevents the note from appearing within the edit transaction screen and on any reports. Notes that have been canceled can be viewed in this card by checking the Show Canceled Notes box.
Action Buttons
Cancel Selected
The Cancel Selected button is used to withdraw one or more previously submitted notes. This can be done by the user who submitted the note or by an administrator.
Canceled notes can be viewed in this card by checking the Show Canceled Notes box.
An icon indicates that this note was canceled. Canceled notes are only visible if the Show Canceled Note box is checked on the screen.
The date that the note was attached to the transaction.
The text of the note.
The topic of the note. If this is a predefined note, this is the Description of the note.
The person who attached the note to the transaction.

The Pay Distributions (Actual Dollars) card lists the employee's worked pay codes for the pay period, with the dollar value associated with each pay code. Only pay codes configured with dollar values are displayed.

The Pay Distributions (Actual Hours) card lists the employee's assigned pay codes for the pay period, with a total number of hours for each pay code.
The AH value in the title bar displays the employee's approved hours.
In order for the Approved Hours and Total Hours to display for an employee, he/she must be assigned to a supervisor, because these values are taken from the employee's Employee Summary Record.

The Pay Distributions (Actual Units) card lists the employee's worked pay codes for the pay period, with the unit value associated with each pay code. Only pay codes configured with unit values are displayed.

The Pay Distributions card lists the employee's assigned pay codes, along with the number of hours assigned to that pay code per day. Separate tabs show the breakdown for each week in a pay period.
If an employee has more than one labor distribution assignment, the breakdown of hours can be viewed on the labor distribution cards listed below the All Worked hours card.
The AH value in the title bar displays the employee's approved hours.
The symbol indicates pay codes where Pay Code Indicator System Standard 1 is set to Y to indicate Worked Hours.
In order for the Approved Hours and Total Hours to display for an employee, he/she must be assigned to a supervisor, because these values are taken from the employee's Employee Summary Record.

The Pay Distributions (Overtime Actual Dollars) card lists the employees overtime pay codes for the employee's actual dollars in the pay period, along with the dollars assigned to each overtime pay code. Only pay codes configured with a Display Type of Dollar values are displayed.

The Pay Distributions (Overtime Actual Hours) card lists the employees overtime pay codes for the employee within the selected pay period, along with the number of hours assigned to each overtime pay code.
The AH value in the title bar displays the employee's approved hours.
The symbol indicates pay codes where Pay Code Indicator System Standard 2 is set to Y to indicate Overtime Hours.

The Pay Distributions (Overtime Actual Units) card lists the employees overtime pay codes for the employee within the selected pay period, along with the number of units assigned to each overtime pay code.
Only pay codes configured with a Display Type of Unit values are displayed.

The Pay Distributions (Projected Hours) card lists the employee's projected pay codes for the pay period with the number of hours for each pay code. Only pay codes configured with a Display Type of Dollars are included.
Projected hours are calculated by combining actual worked hours plus future scheduled hours within the pay period.

The Pay Distributions (Overtime Projected Hours) card lists the employee's projected pay codes for the pay period with the number of hours for each pay code. Only pay codes configured with a Display Type of Hours are included.
Projected hours are calculated by combining actual worked hours plus future scheduled hours within the pay period.

The Pay Distributions (Overtime Projected Units) card lists the employees calculated overtime pay codes for the pay period, along with the number of units assigned to each overtime pay code.
Only pay codes configured with a Display Type of Units are included.

The Pay Distributions (Overtime Scheduled Dollars) card lists the employees calculated overtime pay codes for the employee's scheduled hours in the pay period, along with the dollar amount assigned to each overtime pay code. Only pay codes configured with Display Values of Dollars are displayed.

The Pay Distributions (Overtime Scheduled Hours) card lists the employees calculated overtime pay codes in the pay period, along with the number of hours assigned to each overtime pay code. Only pay codes configured with Display Values of Hours are displayed.

The Pay Distributions (Overtime Scheduled Units) card lists the employees calculated overtime pay codes for the pay period, along with the number of units assigned to each overtime pay code. Only pay codes configured with Display Values of Unit are displayed.

The Pay Distributions (Projected Dollars) card lists the employee's projected pay codes for the pay period with the dollar value associated with each pay code. Only pay codes configured with dollar values are displayed.
Projected dollars are calculated by combining actual worked pay code dollars plus future scheduled pay code dollars within the pay period.

The Pay Distributions (Projected Hours) card lists the employee's projected pay codes for the pay period with the number of hours for each pay code.
Projected hours are calculated by combining actual worked hours plus future scheduled hours within the pay period.
The AH value in the title bar displays the employee's approved hours.

The Pay Distributions (Projected Units) card lists the employee's projected pay codes for the pay period with the unit value associated with each pay code. Only pay codes configured with a Display Type of Units are displayed.
Projected amounts are calculated by combining actual worked pay codes plus future scheduled pay codes within the pay period.

The Pay Distributions (Scheduled Dollars) card lists the employee's scheduled pay codes for the pay period with the hours associated with each pay code. Only pay codes with a Display Value of Dollars are included.
Scheduled hours are taken from the Schedule screen for the employee's labor distribution.

The Pay Distributions (Scheduled Hours) card lists the employee's scheduled pay codes for the pay period with the hours associated with each pay code. Only pay codes with a Display Value of Hours are included.
Scheduled hours are taken from the Schedule screen for the employee's labor distribution.
The AH value in the title bar displays the employee's approved hours.

The Pay Distributions (Scheduled Units) card lists the employee's scheduled pay codes for the pay period with the unit value associated with each pay code. Only pay codes configured with a Display Value of Units are included.
Scheduled units are taken from the Schedule screen for the employee's labor distribution.

The Pay Distributions (Standard Categories) card displays a breakdown of the number of total hours, dollars, and units, and the number of overtime hours, dollars and units.

The Pay Distributions (Transactions) card lists employee transactions, broken down by labor distribution, including an icon for the type of transaction, start date/time, and end date/time.
Click on the card arrow to view the details of gross hours, lunch length and pay code.

The Pay Distributions (User-Defined Categories) card displays total hours for this employee for pay codes accumulating hours into the User Defined categories.
In the Pay Codes > User Defined Categories tab, these pay codes are set to Yes to accumulate into one or more category totals.

The Pool Transaction Summary displays the transactions for this employee relating to a staffing pool.

The Project Details card lists pay codes and hours for this employee for transactions that involve project codes. Click the card arrow to open the record and view details. Select the tabs to view a break down of pay codes and hours by weeks and then by days of the week.
The symbol indicates pay codes where Pay Code Indicator System Standard 1 is set to Y to indicate Worked Hours.

If an employee submits a request to add, edit, or delete a transaction, the record must be approved by an authorized user. You can approve requests from the following screens:
Employees are notified on the Home page in the My Transaction Requests card when the status of a request changes. If an employee is set up for Event Subscriptions, they are notified of the change on the Home page in the My Unread Messages card or via email.
Reviewing Requests from the TCS
The Requests card displays requests for the currently open employee record. When you are viewing the current or future pay period, all requests that occur two days before the pay period and later are listed; when you are viewing a previous pay period, only requests that affect the selected pay period are listed.
Requests are grouped in the card first by their status, such as Requested, Pending Review, or Approved, and then by transaction type.
To handle a request, complete the following steps:
Expand a status category.
Expand a transaction request category.
Optional. Expand the request, enter text in the Reviewer Comments field, and click Save.
Click the action icon on a request, and select a new status.
You can also expand the request, select a new value in the Status field, and click Save.
The request has been reviewed and approved by the supervisor.
For transaction requests, a Time Off informational message appears by default if other employees in the department or unit have overlapping time off. Click the link in the message to show a list of the employees.
The request has been reviewed and was rejected by the supervisor.
Calendar requests associated with specific pay codes may require a predefined note to explain why the request was denied. For more information, see the Calendar Request - Adding a Reason for a Denial feature setup instructions.
The request has been withdrawn by the supervisor or employee.
The request has not yet been reviewed by the supervisor.
Pending Review
The request has been viewed, but the supervisor has not yet taken action.
Reviewing Requests from the Transaction Requests Screen
The Transaction Requests screen displays details of the requests you opened from the Transaction Requests Search screen.
If the request is for the current pay period, you can also view how it might affect the employee's benefit balances in the Benefit Balances tab.
To handle a request, complete the following steps:
Optional. Select a record in the request. Depending on the record type, a check box may not be available when a single record is open.
If you are changing all the records in a request to the same status, select them all.
In the Review Request Actions panel on the left, click the desired action.
Allow the employee to take the request.
For transaction requests, a Time Off informational message appears by default if other employees in the department or unit have overlapping time off. Click the link in the message to show a list of the employees.
Withdraw the submitted request.
Inform the employee that their request is not allowed.
Calendar requests associated with specific pay codes may require a predefined note to explain why the request was denied. For more information, see the Calendar Request - Adding a Reason for a Denial feature setup instructions.
Pending Review
Inform the employee that you have opened the request but not yet reviewed it.
Add Calendar
Add a new calendar entry to an existing calendar request. For more information, see Steps for Adding a Calendar Entry via the Add Calendar screen.
Delete Request
Delete the entire request and all the individual records within the request.
Cancel Request
Cancel the entire request and all the individual records within the request. Canceled requests still appear on transaction screens.
Remove Request
Remove the selected individual records from the request.

The Schedule (List View) card displays a listing of the employee schedules for a two-week time frame, beginning with the date selected in the Pay Period drop down menu in the left pane. Details include an icon to indicate whether the activity is a calendar, schedule, or education tracking class, the day of the week and date, the activity code, the start time, the length in hours, the cost center, and the job class of each day's schedule. A red color bar indicates that this schedule has been determined to be an overtime schedule.
The following icons are displayed in the schedule screen:
Indicates the activity is a schedule, as appears as a published activity on the schedule screen. Note Alternate and home schedules display the same icon on this screen. |
Indicates the scheduled activity is a calendar entry. |
Indicates the scheduled activity is an education tracking class. |
Indicates the employee is scheduled as an instructor for a class. |

The Schedule (Month View) opens a calendar which displays the schedule for the employee for a four-week time frame, beginning with the date selected in the Pay Period drop down menu in the left pane. The icons indicate if the activity is for a schedule, a calendar, or an education tracking class. The red color-coding of a cell indicates that the schedule entry incurred overtime. Point to the icon with the cursor to display the details of the activity.
The following icons are displayed in the schedule screen:
Indicates the activity is a schedule, and appears as a published activity on the schedule screen. Note Alternate schedules display with a small letter "a". |
Indicates the scheduled activity is a calendar entry. |
Indicates the scheduled activity is an education tracking class. |
Indicates the employee is scheduled as an instructor for a class. |
This screen can be set up in either a Month View as shown above or as a List View. This is selected on
. Select the option from the drop down listing under Schedule View Style.
The Supervisors card displays the assigned supervisors for this employee.
The editing icon in the left column indicates that the supervisor has editing only rights.
If the field is grayed out, then the supervisor has read only rights.
If the field is not grayed out, then that indicates that the supervisor has full approving rights.
When a supervisor opens and views an employee record a check mark is displayed in the Is Open column. If another supervisor views the Employee LaborView record for the same employee, the check mark is not displayed unless that supervisor opens and views the record. This check mark remains visible until the employee's data is calculated and finalized.
A check mark in the Is Forwarded column indicates that the supervisor has been forwarded rights to this employee from another supervisor.

The Time Card Summary card displays the total worked hours in a calendar view and as a summary. The number of days in the calendar depends on the pay period length. For example, a bi-weekly pay period shows two weeks in the calendar and a monthly pay period shows an entire month in the calendar.
The total worked hours is shown for each day in the calendar, totaled for the weeks and the pay period, and broken down by pay code.
If there are any exceptions, an icon is shown on the appropriate day. Hover over an icon to see the number of corresponding exceptions. Note that the icons are for your information only and are not actionable. To see details about exceptions, see the Exceptions card.
= Informational exceptions
= Warning exceptions
= Critical exceptions
To use the Time Card Summary card, you need to have an authorization role with the Time Card Summary policy included. Common standard roles that include this policy are: TA Employee, TA Administrator, and TA Supervisor roles.

Employee Transactions are displayed on the upper section of the TCS screen. This section cannot be removed.
Transaction Items
The Transaction Items section allows the user to determine whether to include employee clocking, calendar, and/or adjustment transactions for the pay period selected. Check the box to the left of each item to include.
When the Calendars box is checked, employee submitted calendar information, such as non-productive time, is displayed.
When the Clockings box is checked, the employee Transaction display includes all the pay period In and Out punches for the employee as entered from an input device, such as badge reader or TimeCall.
When the Adjustments box is checked, adjustments made to the employee time card report are displayed. Manually added adjustments display as well as when the system processes hours automatically, such as Salaried or Exempt pay period hours, the hours automatically processed by the system display.
When the Show Requests box is checked, requests submitted by employees are displayed.
When the Pay Period Only box is checked, only transactions with dates included in the selected pay period are included on the screen. When this box is not checked, the system uses the following rules to determine what transaction information to load:
If the pay period selected is before the current pay period, it loads all transactions that affect the pay period.
If the pay period selected is for the current or future pay period, it loads all transactions for the pay period, including those up to two days before the start of the pay period and all transactions for future pay periods.
The "current" pay period is established when the payroll processing is completed for the previous pay period and the "current" period is rolled forward.
For more information, see Transactions List.

To view the details of a previously entered transaction, click on the card arrow to open it. The screen displays the same fields that were available on the initial set up screen for the type of transaction.
When viewing records from a previous pay period, the fields are read only and the record cannot be edited. The check box to the left of the record is disabled so the record cannot be selected for deletion.
When viewing records from the current or future pay periods, the fields are editable if you have editing rights.
When viewing records from the current and future pay periods, authorized employees can delete records. To delete a record, check the box to the left of the record, and then click on the Delete Selected button in the left pane.
If edits are made to the transaction list after it has been approved, a message displays that the approval will be lost when the updates are made. The time card must then be approved again.
If a critical message is generated due to an expired license or education requirement, an employee may be unable to enter, modify or delete a clocking through this screen. The reason for the "lockout" can be viewed on
or from . Contact a supervisor or administrator to resolve the issue.Amount (Dollars)
The dollar value associated with the transaction, if applicable.
The date this calendar entry is to take place.
Extra Shift
The Extra Shift indicator determines whether a shift is an extra shift or a regular shift. Marking certain shifts as "Extra" allows you to prioritize employees that should be called off first in the event of a low census scenario.
When the Extra Shift feature is enabled, schedules are considered Extra when they are acquired by the employee through the following ways.
Approved from a request to work an open schedule
Accepted via an Open Shift Notification broadcast
Changed manually by a scheduler to be Extra
A schedule awarded from an Offer
An Extra schedule that has been traded
When an employee trades a schedule already labeled Extra, the Extra status follows with the employee to the new schedule. For example, the employee had a schedule for Thursday and traded with someone for a Friday schedule. The Friday schedule is now labeled as Extra.
Grant Code
The identification code of an applicable grant.
The length (in whole and decimal hours) of this calendar entry. For example, ninety minutes would be entered as 1.5 hours. If there are multiple days selected, this is the number of hours for each day.
If submitting a calendar request for multiple days (via the monthly view), this is the number of hours of each day, not the total hours for all days.
Job Class
The employee work assignment for this calendar entry.
Lunch Length (Hours)
The amount of time taken for a lunch break, expressed in whole and/or decimal hours. For example, a 30 minute lunch break would be entered as .5 hours.
Organization Units
The number of organization unit levels available and the organization unit names displayed depend on your corporate structure. For example, Cost Center, Facility, and Reporting Unit are all possible organization unit types.
The trunk-level (such as Facility) column is not shown initially on the Transaction List. To enable it, update indicator System Standard 21 in the Web application (
).Override Code
The code used by authorized supervisors to override payroll rules for a calendar transaction.
Pay Code
The pay code assignment of this calendar entry.
Position Code
The labor distribution code that indicates the organization and job class assignment for this transaction.
Project Code
The identification code of an applicable project.
Quick Code
The Quick Code used during a Quick Badge transaction.
The Quick Code column is not shown initially on the Transaction List. To enable it, update indicator System Standard 20 in the Web application (
).Self Scheduled
Indicates whether this schedule was added via self scheduling (Yes/No). This value is entered by the system and is not editable.
Shift Answer
The answer given while using the Lunch Attestation feature.
The Shift Answer column is not shown initially on the Transaction List. To enable it, update indicator System Standard 22 in the Web application (
Enter the Time the calendar should begin. The format can either be 24-hour or 12-hour.
If you are using 12-hour format, follow the time with 'a' or 'p' for AM and PM.

To add a new Clocking, Calendar, or Adjustment entry to the transaction screen, complete the following steps:
For information on entering calendar entries for multiple consecutive or non-consecutive days, see: Steps for Adding Multiple Calendar Entries Through the Monthly View
Use the Employee Search to search for and select an employee record.
In the Employee Actions section in the left pane, click on the appropriate Action button (Add Calendar, Add Clocking, Add Adjustment).
The General tab is opened.
For each field, enter the applicable information.
Fields that require information display an asterisk to the right of the label.
When a field is not editable it will be grayed out, and no information can be entered.
If labor distribution fields are left blank, the system assumes the information from the employee home labor distribution (organization unit, job class, position code).
Critical organization unit fields, the job class field, and the position field have Smart Drop Down Menus to limit the number of values that are displayed to those values previously entered by the current user.
For more information on the fields included in these transactions, see the documentation on the employee actions for the following actions:
Add Calendar
Add Clocking
Add Adjustment
After entering all fields on the General screen, click on the Attendance+ and/or Notes tabs at the top of the record to open and configure the additional information.
The tabs available depend on the type of transaction being entered, and also the authorization role of the user.
When all data has been entered, click on the Save button.
For a clocking transaction, you can click on the Calc Me Now button in the left pane to calculate the employee data. The clocking will be assigned as either an In Punch or an Out Punch by the system.