Withdrawing From an Education Tracking Class

Complete the following steps to withdraw from an Education Tracking class:

  1. From Action > Employee, select the Class Enrollment icon.


    From Employee > Employee > Employee Actions, select the Class Schedule button.

    The Class Enrollment Search screen is displayed.

  2. Enter search criteria into the selected fields to find a class scheduled for a specific course, time frame, or enrollment status.

  3. From the search results, select the check box at the left for the appropriate classes and click one of the record folders. Classes the employee is enrolled in have an icon in the Status column.

    • If the employee is already enrolled for the selected class, the Withdraw button is displayed. When this button is clicked, the employee status is changed to 'Withdrawn'.

    • If the employee has submitted a request for enrollment and it has not yet been approved, the Cancel Request button is displayed. When this button is clicked, the employee status is changed from 'Requested' to 'Not Enrolled'.

  4. Click the button displayed to remove the employee from the class roster. The employee's Enrolled Status is changed to No.

If this course/competency is a prerequisite for another scheduled course, this course can only be canceled when the user has authorization to override course prerequisites.


First schedule another class for the same course, then delete this class.

The following related topics are available:

Enrolling in an Education Tracking Class

Adding an Education Transaction Record

Completing a Computer Based Training Class