Adding Employee Recurring Unavailability

Recurring Unavailability indicates a pattern of days and times the employee is not available to work. An example would be Tuesdays and Thursdays from 8:00-12:00 due to a continuing medical education class. This can be an open-ended unavailability or can have a specified ending date.

To add a new recurring unavailability request, complete the following steps:

  1. From the tool bar, select the Employee button.

  2. Click on the My Time Card button in the left pane.


    Authorized users can submit requests for other employees. Use the Employee Search page to find and open the employee record.

  3. In the left pane, select the Add Unavailability button.

  4. From the Classification field menu, select the Recurring Unavailability option.

  5. Enter the Effective Date when this recurring unavailability cycle is to begin. The employee will be unavailable on the days of the week selected starting from this date.

    Your Effective Date must fall within a fixed range of days in the future.

    See the explanation and example in the next step.

  6. Enter an Expiration Date to indicate the date when this recurring unavailability pattern is no longer in effect.

    Your Expiration Date must fall within a fixed range of days in the future.

    Two system settings control the future range of days:

    • Organization Unit parameters System Standard 3 (Unavailability/Recurring Unavailability Begin Days)

    • Organization Unit parameters System Standard 4 (Unavailability/Recurring Unavailability End Days)

    • If an organization unit does not have these parameters set, the system will continue looking up the organization level hierarchy until values are found. If no values are found at the highest organization level, zeros are used in processing.


    If System Standard 3 is set to 14 and System Standard 4 is set to 365, then your Effective Date and Expiration Date must fall within that span of days (between 14 and 365 days from today). Entering a date outside of this range of days will result in an error message.

    If you have a labor distribution change set to go into effect in the future, the following applies:

    • If the Effective Date you entered is still in your current Primary Home Labor Distribution, your current organization unit's parameters are used to evaluate the range of days.

    • If the Effective Date you entered will occur when you are in the future Primary Home Labor Distribution, the future organization unit's parameters are used to evaluate the range of days.

  7. Enter the Start Time to indicate the starting time of the unavailability time frame on the selected days of the week.

  8. Enter the End Time to indicate the ending time of the unavailability time frame on the selected days of the week.

  9. If using the Replace Activity feature, enter either the Activity Code or the Pay Code value to replace the activity code that would ordinarily be scheduled for this employee.


    This feature only applies when running the scheduling process after the request has been approved.

  10. For each Day of the Week, select either Yes or No to indicate which days this unavailability request affects. For example, if an employee is unavailable from 8:00 to 12:00 on Tuesdays and Thursdays, set the Tuesday and Thursday values to Yes.

  11. Enter a Reason for the request, such as "CME class".

  12. Click on Save to save the record and submit the request.