Configure Settings

There are several settings that need to be configured. These settings enable the Employee Sign Off feature and determine how it works.


The following table summarizes the settings and their options. Use this information when working through the corresponding topics to complete the setup.



Corresponding topic

TA Application Indicator TA Solution Standard 3

Y - enables Employee Sign Off

Enable the Employee Sign Off Feature

TA Application Parameter System Standard Alpha 1

Defines the text an employee sees when declining the employee Sign Off Agreement

Enter the Text for the Employee Decline Message

SYS Application Indicator TA Solution Standard 7

D - Assume Denial (default)

A - Assume Approval


For more information, see Assume Approval method and Assume Denial method.

Designate How Sign-Offs Are Processed

SYS Application Indicator TA Solution Standard 8

1 - One day window

2 - Two day window


The one or two day window determines how transactions on the first or second day of a new pay period, which could affect the previous pay period, will affect an employee sign-off.


For more information, see About the transaction maintenance window.

Designate How Sign-Offs Are Processed

SYS Application Indicator TA Solution Standard 9*

Determines when an employee's sign-off is removed if pay for the pay period changes after signing off

A - Sign-off removed with any change regardless of impact on pay (default)

D - Sign-off removed only when pay has decreased

Note: This indicator works along with the setting of pay code indicator TA Solution Standard 11 (see the indicator above in this table) and the setting of SYS Application parameter TA Solution Standard Hour 1 (see the parameter below in this table).

Determine When Sign-Offs Get Removed

SYS Application Indicator TA Solution Standard 10

Determines whether supervisor approval is removed when the count of attendance transactions changes

Y - Supervisor approval removed when the count of attendance transactions changes (default)

N - Supervisor approval not removed when the count of attendance transactions changes

Determine When Sign-Offs Get Removed

SYS Application Indicator TA Solution Standard 11

Determines which exception severity levels remove supervisor approval

A - Exceptions of any severity level remove supervisor approval (default)

C - Only critical-level exceptions remove supervisor approval

Determine When Sign-Offs Get Removed

SYS Application Parameter TA Solution Standard Hour 1*

Number of hours after an employee signs off during which the last clocking of a pay period must occur for sign-off not to be removed

Determine When Sign-Offs Get Removed

Pay Code Indicator TA Solution Standard 11*

Determines how an employee's sign-off is affected when adding or editing this pay code

A - Sign-off acts according to the setting of SYS Application Indicator: TA Solution Standard 9 (default)

R - Sign-off is removed when SYS Application Indicator: TA Solution Standard 9 is set to D

N - Sign-off is not removed when SYS Application Indicator: TA Solution Standard 9 is set to D

Note: This indicator works along with the setting of SYS Application indicator TA Solution Standard 9 (see the indicator below in this table).

Determine When Sign-Offs Get Removed

Organization Unit Indicator TA Solution Standard 7

I (or P with a parent organization unit set to I) allows an organization unit to enable the Sign Off Agreement

Enable and Customize the Employee Sign Off Agreement

Organization Unit Sign Off Agreement

Customize the Sign Off Agreement text

Enable and Customize the Employee Sign Off Agreement

*Additional explanation of indicators and parameters

  • SYS Application Indicator TA Solution Standard 9

    This indicator allows you to remove an employee's sign-off only when calculated changes result in a decrease in pay. Explanation: A decrease in pay is when the updated total calculated pay amount is less than the total calculated pay amount when the employee signed off their time card for the pay period.

    When set to A, the sign-off is removed with any change regardless of impact on pay.

    When set to D, the sign-off is removed only when pay has decreased.

    In addition, when set to D, understand the following:

    • For this indicator to work with a setting of D, dollar reporting must first be configured. For questions about dollar reporting, contact a symplr Customer Support representative.

    • Non-manual clockings (such as from Quick Badge, a time clock, or the symplr Workforce app) resulting in lower pay remove the sign-off except when they occur within the grace period defined by SYS Application parameter TA Solution Standard Hour 1.

    • Adding, editing, or deleting an adjustment or retro pay adjustment does not remove the sign-off unless the calculated result of the adjustment reduces pay for the pay period that the employee has signed off.

  • SYS Application Parameter TA Solution Standard Hour 1

    This parameter sets a sign-off grace period defined as the number of hours after an employee signs off for the pay period during which they can clock out without removing the sign-off. When a non-manual clocking (such as from Quick Badge, a time clock, or the symplr Workforce app) occurs:

    • Within this grace period, sign-off is not removed.

    • Past the end of the grace period, sign-off is removed.


    Employee's final shift for the pay period runs from 07:00 to 15:00

    Employee signs off for the pay period at 13:40:02

    SYS Application parameter TA Solution Standard Hour 1 is set for 6 hours

    Sign-off grace period is 13:40:02 until 19:40:02

    If the employee clocks out prior to 19:40:02, the sign-off is not removed. But clocking out later than 19:40:02 would result in the sign-off being removed.

  • Pay Code Indicator TA Solution Standard 11

    This indicator allows you to configure pay codes to determine if sign-off is removed when those pay codes are assigned to an employee and are later changed.


    An employee does not enter a PTO request with the Hours value in the correct increments, such as 8 or 12 hours, and a correction is made.

    Certain types of shifts, such as Preceptor and Charge Nurse, may be entered as calendars, but might get entered without including the lunch length, and a correction is made.

    The corrections made in these scenarios may result in a pay amount different than what the employee signed off for and, therefore, may require them to sign off again.