Organization Unit Parent/Child Relationships

The following diagram demonstrates the parent/child relationships between organization units. This works much like a family tree, except all levels of descendants are called children, rather than grandchildren, or great-grandchildren.

The lineage relationships are shown by the blue lines in the example below.

Parent/Child Relationships

In the example above, the Enterprise unit is the parent of all the structure levels below it. All the other organization units are children of the Enterprise unit.

Initial Organization Structure

The Time and Attendance and Staffing and Scheduling system includes a default Organization Structure and Link Levels, which were designed to optimize system performance. The remaining information below is to be used as a guide for understanding the structure and finding the best way to configure your organization structure.

The Organization Structure holds two types of Levels, the Structure Levels and the Supporting Levels. The Structure Levels contains the Root, Trunk, Branch, and Leaf, and all of these are required. The Supporting Levels exist to help group and organize the structure and allow for future organization expansion. The Supporting Levels can be given names that fit your organization.

Link levels refer to the level at which specific data elements reside. This indicates that the values within a data element will be shared at the designated level. For example, it is common to configure Override Codes at the highest level so that the “Charge Overtime” Override Code is built for use across the organization.

Information regarding the purpose of the Levels and Data Elements reside below to assist in deciding how to configure your system for success. These decisions are important to consider in the beginning as once data is populated at a certain level, it can be difficult to move that data to a different level.

This is the recommended structure, where Level 1, Level 4, Level 6, and Level 7 would be the required Structure Levels: Root, Trunk, Branch, and Leaf. Level 2 would be the Configuration Level. Level 3 and Level 5 would be the Supporting Levels. These levels are not required and can exist as a Pass Thru if there is not a business reason to build them out. They will exist as placeholders for future growth.

Level definitions

Data Element Definitions

Related topics

Organization Unit

Organization Level

Organization Link Levels