Editing an Existing Schedule
An existing pending or published schedule can be modified. To edit an existing schedule, complete the following steps:
Double-click the schedule that you want to edit.
Make sure you double-click the schedule. If you double-click in the cell, the resulting dialog box assumes you are trying to add a new schedule.
The schedule dialog box appears.
If any element, such as Profile, Position, Activity Code, Organization Unit, or Job Class, has been set to inactive since the schedule was initially created, another window appears explaining what has been made Inactive. Before saving, you will need to correct the inactive element by selecting an active option.
Make the necessary updates.
If the Activity Code is changed, the Time, Hours/Unit, and Lunch Length (Hours) fields default to the values of the related activity code.
If the Organization Unit is changed, the Position and Profile fields must be changed to values which exist in the updated organization unit.
To add or update a note to this schedule, expand the Notes section.
Select the Publish this activity when saving option to automatically launch the publishing process for this schedule.
If this is not selected, the schedule remains pending.
When all fields are complete, click on the Save button to save this schedule and close this box.
If an inactive element has not been corrected, a window appears to alert you. Make the required correction before saving.