Schedule Partners

Schedule Partners allow you to group similar job classes that determine which employees to include on the Qualified Staff tab on the Current Staffing Overview. The Qualified Staff tab displays employees that are considered to be qualified to work a particular shift. However, the system uses conditions that you create to determine the level of qualification. One of the conditions that you can create is a schedule partner.


You have RN1 and RN2 profiles with a need for one RN2. If no RN2 employees are available, the Qualified Staff tab can find an RN1 employee previously set up as a job class schedule partner.

Schedule partners are set up here: Configuration > Scheduling > Schedule Partner

Once schedule partners are setup, they include the specified job classes. You can add or remove individual job classes on the schedule partner record from the Schedule Partner screen where they were originally created (link just above) or from the job class screen.

To add or remove a job class from an existing schedule partner record via the Job Class screen, complete the following steps.

  1. Navigate to Configuration > Labor Distribution > Job Class.

  2. Search for and open the desired job class.

  3. Under Job Class Sections, click Schedule Partners.

  4. To add this job class to an existing schedule partner record:

    1. Click Add.

    2. Search for and select the desired schedule partner.

    3. Click Assign Selected.

  5. To remove this job class from an existing schedule partner record:

    1. Select the schedule partner to be removed.

    2. Click Delete Selected.

    3. Confirm the deletion.