Notes Tab

The Notes tab allows the user to enter a notation relating to the transaction. Either a predefined note can be selected or a new message can be created.

When information in certain fields for a record are added or edited, a note may be required. The fields that require notes are specified in Configuration > System > Note Required .

Depending on the authorization role of the user, the following actions may be available:

Predefined Note Code

Standardized text that can be attached to an employee transaction to give additional information.

Predefined notes may be editable. An example of an editable predefined note is for funeral leave, to indicate the name of the deceased and relationship to the employee.


The topic of this notation. When the predefined note is configured to be editable, the subject entry can be modified.


The free-form text of the message. When a predefined note is selected, the text is automatically displayed. If the predefined note is configured to be editable, additional information can be entered in this field. If this is not a predefined note, type the message text in this field.