Searching for Enrolled Classes

The Class Enrollment Search screen is displayed to search for a scheduled class in which to enroll the employee or to find the classes that the employee is already enrolled in.

Record Management

To locate specific records, enter the search criteria as described below, then click on the Search button. For more information, see Searching for a Record.

After entering the search criteria, all applicable records are displayed. To open and view a record, click on the folder to the left of the record. For more information, see Opening and Viewing a Record.

Depending on the page displayed, the following fields may be available. Click on the link to navigate to the description.

Class Group Code


Course Code





Organization Unit

Start Range Begin/Start Range End


The following related topics are available:

Enrolling in an Education Tracking Class

Withdrawing From an Education Tracking Class

Class Group Code

The identification code of the class group being searched for. Class groups include multiple classes that need to be scheduled as a single class.


Searches for a class based on the classroom location.

Course Code

The alphanumeric short name or abbreviation for the Course/Competency which is linked to this scheduled class.


The label describing the Course/Competency that is linked to the class.


Indicates whether the employee is already enrolled in this class (Yes/No). When this value is set to Yes, the classes displayed are those the employee is already enrolled in.

This field can be used to find a class for the employee to Withdraw enrollment.


Indicates whether the class enrollment limit has been reached (Yes/No).

When the results are displayed in a grid, a check mark indicates the class is filled.


Searches for a class based on the name of the instructor of the class.

Organization Unit

Searches for a class based on the organization unit where the class is scheduled.

Start Range Begin/Start Range End

Depending on the field, either the beginning or ending date of the range to search for the scheduled date of a class. Leave the Start Range End field blank to view all classes scheduled after the Start Range Begin date.


The current status standing of the class, such as restricted, limited, pending, posted, or canceled.