Employee Sign Off/Employee Un-Sign Off


For a full explanation of configuring and using the Employee Sign Off feature, see Employee Sign Off. Information includes who can use the feature, customizing how the feature works, sign-off agreements, and when sign-off is removed.

The Employee Sign Off feature allows employees who use Time and Attendance to indicate they have reviewed their time card information and to confirm its accuracy.

When the sign off feature is enabled, it is also enabled in the Employee Self-Service on the EIS devices and operates the same way.

If a Sign Off Agreement is set up for your organization unit, when you click the Employee Sign Off button, a message box is displayed. Select one of two buttons.

After signing off

When you sign off, the Employee Sign Off button name changes to Employee Un-Sign Off.

To unapprove your time card (undo the sign off):

  1. Navigate to your Employee screen.

  2. Under Employee Actions, click Employee Un-Sign Off.

    The signed off icon no longer appears next to your name.

    The button name and functionality alternate between Employee Sign Off and Employee Un-Sign Off.


Employees may have the option to sign off on their time card from the Home Page of the Employee Information Station (EIS) device. For more information, see Sign Off/Un-Sign Off at EIS Device.