Request to Work

In the employee record, the Request to Work button opens a screen for an employee to search for unfilled schedule openings during the authorized Request to Work Period.

The Request to Work Period is a rolling time frame defined as the days on or after the Request to Work Begin Days value through the end of the schedule period that contains the Request to Work End Days value. These values are set up on the organization unit's Staffing Configuration (see Configuration > Scheduling > Staffing Configuration > Request to Work tab).

When an employee searches for available Request to Work shifts, processing takes place to see if the employee meets the configured Selection Style. For example, the Holiday rule is included in the Selection Style. Before the search returns any results, Holiday processing is performed. When the employee is not required to work a given holiday, the holiday date is not returned, and thus the employee cannot request to work on their "off" Holiday.

Other rules on the Selection Style that process before returning selectable dates include: Overstaffing, Approved Hours, Position Permissions, Maximum Work Stretch, Combination of Shifts, Overtime, Schedule Overlap, Approved Unavailability, Weekend, and Shift Equity.

All other validation, such as License, Station, or Preferences, is done as the employee requests shifts.

The resulting listing shows all unfilled schedules that the employee is qualified to work. Qualifications are based on the Position Permissions of the related profile of the schedule, and (if organization unit indicator set up allows) employees can also qualify based on job class and/or license qualifications of the profile.

The list of available schedules includes all labor distributions where the employee has a valid position, including Relief positions. The employee can then select schedule openings and submit a request to work.

Requests to Work are handled by the supervisor of the labor distribution where the schedule is to be worked. Once a request has been approved, the work assignment is displayed on the Schedule screen.


Employees are authorized to participate in the Request to Work feature if they have an Authorization Role for this feature and if their Primary Home labor distribution is set up for this feature from Configuration > Scheduling > Staffing Configuration > Request to Work. For more information on the required set up, see Requests to Work Feature Set Up.

The following topics are available in this chapter

Submitting a Request to Work

Life Cycle of a Request to Work