General Tab

The General tab is where the basic information on the Automatic Labor Distribution record is set up.

After completing the fields on this screen, click on the Parameters tab. The Calculations Standard Percent 1 field must be completed before the record can be saved. The other fields on this screen are optional.

Automatically expiring an Auto Labor Distribution

Automatic Labor Distributions can be expired automatically due to a Pay Group or home trunk-level organization unit change, as determined by an indicator. To view the indicator's setting or to make a change, complete the following steps.

  1. Navigate to Configuration > System > Application.

  2. Search for the TA Code and open the TA record from the search results.

  3. Click the Indicators tab and expand the Time and Attendance card.

  4. In the TA Solution Standard 5 (Automatic expiration of Automatic Labor Distribution records determination) field, select from the following options:

    • N - Automatic Labor Distribution records are not automatically expired. (default)

    • A - Automatic Labor Distribution expiration occurs when a new primary home labor distribution record is created and either the Pay Group or the Trunk-level organization unit changed.

    • B - Automatic Labor Distribution expiration occurs when a new primary home labor distribution record is created and the Pay Group associated with the primary home labor distribution changed.

    • C - Automatic Labor Distribution records are automatically expired when a new primary home labor distribution record is entered and the Trunk-level organization unit changed.

  5. Click Save.

Depending on the page displayed, the following fields may be available. Click on the link to navigate to the description.


Effective Date

Employee Code

Expiration Date

Grant Code

Job Class

Organization Unit


Project Code

Sort Order

The following additional tabs of information are available in this page:

Parameters Tab


The alphanumeric short name or abbreviation for this Automatic Labor Distribution.

Effective Date

The date that this automatic allocation is to take effect.

Employee Code

The identification code of the employee for this auto labor distribution record.

Expiration Date

The date that this automatic distribution is no longer in effect, if applicable. If this distribution is to continue indefinitely, this field should be left blank.

Grant Code

The identification code of an applicable grant.

Job Class

The employee job class that is included in the automatic labor distribution.

Organization Unit

Enter the appropriate organizational codes to indicate the labor distribution where the employee hours should be automatically allocated. The number of levels available and the label names depend upon your organization or corporate structure.


The employee's position that is to have the automatic labor distribution percentage assigned to it.

Project Code

The identification code of an applicable project.

Sort Order

When there is more than one automatic labor distribution record, this field indicates the order that the records are processed to allocate the hours/dollars.