Parameters Tab

The Parameters tab is where the processing information for this labor distribution record is defined. The Calculations Standard Percent 1 field is required to be completed before the record can be saved. This defines the percentage of the employee hours that should be distributed to the indicated labor distribution. All other fields are optional.

Depending on the page displayed, the following fields may be available. Click on the link to navigate to the description.

Calculations Standard Percent 1

Calculations Standard Rate 1

Calculations Standard Premium Category 1 Classification

Calculations Standard Premium Category 1 Number

The following additional tabs of information are available in this page:

General Tab

Calculations Standard Percent 1

This defines the percentage of the employee hours that should be distributed to the indicated labor distribution. There can be multiple records with varying percentage values.


If the total percentage values of all the records is less than 100%, the remaining balance is assigned to the employee's home labor distribution.

Calculations Standard Rate 1

This parameter stores the rate associated with the Pay Code used for dollar reporting calculations. The earnings factor may be multiplied or added to another value.

Calculations Standard Premium Category 1 Classification

Indicates the classification of the Calculations Standard Premium Category 1, such as Standard, Customer, User Defined, or Customer.

Calculations Standard Premium Category 1 Number

The numeric value indicating which Calculations Standard Premium Category 1 should be applied to this automatic labor distribution record.


For more information on the Premium Categories, see Configuration > Time and Attendance > Premium Category.