Retro Jobs

The Retro Jobs screen shows the past, current, and future Retro Calculator jobs that the employee is included in.


When a supervisor lock or a pay period lock has been applied, the Retro Jobs button is not available.

Note that an employee can only be in one retro job at a time. If they are already in a retro job and you click Set Retro Mode, a message informs you that the employee is already in a retro job.

These jobs were started from the Actions > Processes > Retro Calculator screen.

From that screen, you can link directly to an employee's TCS page so that you can make any needed changes to the employee's transactions. Then from their TCS, you can click the Retro Jobs button to continue with the employee's Retro Calculator job without having to go back to the Retro Calculator screen. If you do want to return to the full Retro Calculator job, then under Navigation, click Return.


If you add a retro job from the employee screen, the retro job's Code field is populated with a code automatically and is not editable. This is different than from the Actions > Processes > Retro Calculator screen where you add a Code manually.

Actions buttons

Depending on the authorization roles assigned to you, you may not see all the buttons described here.

Retro Job columns