Steps for Creating a Selection Style to Enable Rotating Schedules

The employee rotating schedules are referenced when the automatic scheduling process is run and the Selection Style is set up to validate them.

To set up a selection style that validates the rotating schedule rules, complete the following steps:

  1. Open Configuration > Scheduling > Selection Styles.

  2. Click on the Add button to create a new record.

  3. Complete the information on the General tab:

    1. Enter an identifying Code and Description for this Selection Style record.

    2. Select the Type of Auto Scheduling.

    3. Save the record.

Core Schedule Pass

  1. Click on the Passes button, in the left pane, to open a screen to configure the passes to be run for this Selection Style. Multiple passes can be set up to determine the hierarchy of employees selected for scheduling or for the scheduling assistant. Click on the Add button to open a screen to add passes.

    1. In the Selection field, choose the Core Schedule option from the Field Look Up Values in the right pane.

    2. Enter a Description identifying this pass.

    3. Save this page.

  2. Click on the Qualification Rules button, in the left pane, to open the screen to determine the rules to be validated with this pass.

    1. Drag the rules to be validated from the Available Rules section to the Selected Rules section. Highlight the rule in the Available Rules section, and drag the rule to the Selected Rules column. See the Qualification Rules List for explanations of each of the available rules.

    2. When all rules are selected, save this page.

Rotating Schedules With Preferences Pass

  1. Click on the Passes button, in the left pane, to open a screen to configure additional passes for this Selection Style.

  2. Click on the Add button to open a screen to add passes.

    1. In the Selection option choose either Core Staffing Plan or Staffing Plan, depending on which template is being used by the organization unit.

      • If a Staffing Template is used by the organization unit (staffing needs are set up by coverage periods and profiles), select the Staffing Plan option.

      • If a Core Staffing Template is used by the organization unit (staffing needs are set up by activity codes and profiles), select the Core Staffing Plan option.

    2. Enter a Description identifying this pass.

    3. Enter the percentage of Staffing Level for this pass. For example, one pass can be set up to populate at 80% of needs, and another pass can be created to populate at 100% of needs.

    4. Save this page.

  3. Click on the Qualification button, in the left pane, to open the screen to determine the rules to be validated with this pass.

    1. Highlight the Preferences rule in the Available Rules box, and drag the option to the Selected Rules box.

      • The Rotations option in the Preferences card must be set to Yes for the system to use the employee rotating schedules when populating the schedule.

      • Set the Position, Activity, and Shift Values options to Yes, so these preferences are also validated.


        The employee preference values are set up in Employee record > Schedule Preferences. These preferences are also validated when a Preference Override is set up on a rotating schedule

    2. Drag the additional rules to be validated from the Available Rules column to the Selected Rules column. See the Qualification Rules List for explanations of each of the available rules.

    3. When all rules are selected, save this page.

  4. With the Staffing Plan and Core Staffing Plan options, an additional Sorting Rules button is available to rank the qualified employees. If there are multiple employees that meet the criteria to fill a schedule opening, the values in this screen determine which employees are scheduled first.

    1. Drag the rules to be used to rank employees from the Available Rules column to the Selected Rules column. See Sorting Rules for explanations of each of the available rules.

    2. When all fields are completed, save this page.

Ordering Passes

  1. To create additional passes, click on the Passes button and repeat steps 2-4 above.

  2. When more than one pass is created for a selection style, the pass numbers default to the order they were created.

  3. To reorder the Pass sequences, click on the number of a record under the Pass column and change it.

  4. The numbering sequences of the other passes are updated. For example, if there are four passes configured, and pass 3 is updated to number 2, passes 2, 3 and 4 are automatically updated to the proper number sequence. In the same manner, if one or more passes are deleted, the system automatically adjusts the numbering sequence of the remaining passes.

  5. When all appropriate passes have been changed, click on the Update Order button to save the sequence.

The following related topics are available:



Creating an Employee Rotating Schedule