Holidays Not Tracked Assignment

The Holidays Not Tracked assignment can be used when certain employees are given their normal work schedules during the holidays. This assignment must be created so that employees are not given another holiday assignment. The holiday rule in the Selection Style must still be activated to schedule properly for those employees who do have special Holiday rules.


This assignment only needs to be set up if there are employees with other holiday assignments being scheduled together with employees who work normal schedules on holidays, and so the Holiday validation is activated in the Selection Style. If all employees in an organization unit work normal schedules on holidays, the Holiday validation does not need to be added to the Selection Style, and this assignment is not needed.

Steps to Create an Assignment Where Holidays Are Not Tracked

The following summarizes the steps to create an assignment where the Holidays are Not Tracked, and employees are scheduled on holidays the same as other days. These steps are described in more detail below.


Holiday records are not used for this assignment. They only need to be set up if they are used with other holiday assignments.

Step 1: Create a new Assignment Code

  1. Set up the Assignment Code General tab:

    1. Go to Configuration > Assignments > Assignment Code.

    2. Click on Add to enter a new record.

    3. Enter the date this Assignment Code will be effective.

    4. Select the Standard option from the Assignment Source Classification field.

    5. In the Assignment Source Code field, select Holiday from the field look up values.

    6. Enter a Code and Description to identify this holiday assignment record.

    7. Click on the Save button to save the record.

  2. The Assignment Code Indicators tab does not need to be set up. The default settings can be used.

  3. The Assignment Code Parameters tab does not need to be set up. The default settings can be used.

  4. Set up the Assignment Code Criteria screen.


    Do not select any holidays on the Assignment Codes Holiday screen.

Step 2: Enter the employee Holiday Shift Eligibility Date, if applicable

Step 3: The Holiday validation is not required in the Selection Style unless there are other holiday assignments being scheduled

Step 1A: Set up the Assignment Code General Tab

  1. Go to Configuration > Assignments > Assignment Code.

  2. Click on Add to enter a new record.

  3. Enter the date this Assignment Code will be effective.

  4. Select the Standard option from the Assignment Source Classification field.

  5. In the Assignment Source Code field, select Holiday from the field look up values.

  6. Enter a Code and Description to identify this holiday assignment record.

  7. Click on the Save button to save the record.

Step 1D: Set up the Assignment Codes Criteria Section

The Criteria section is where the employees that should receive this assignment are identified. The criteria options that are available were previously selected on Assignment Source > Assignment Determination.

To configure the criteria requirements, complete the following steps:

  1. With the Assignment Code record open, click on the Criteria section button in the left pane.

  2. Click on Add to add a new record.

  3. Enter an Effective Date, a Code and Description to identify this Criteria record.

  4. In the additional fields, enter the criteria options that identify employees who should be given this assignment.


    Additional criteria options can be added (by authorized users) through Assignment Source > Assignment Determination.

  5. Click on the Save button at the bottom of the screen to save this record.

  6. To add additional groups of employees to this assignment, click on the Add button again and complete steps 3 - 5. The groups given to this assignment are displayed.

  7. Click on Save to save the record.


    Employees must meet all the requirements within one of the Criteria records to qualify for the assignment.

    • If employees do not qualify for any other assignment, they will automatically qualify for the All assignment, which does not have any qualification criteria. There is a default All assignment for every Assignment Source.

Step 2: Enter the Employee Holiday Shift Eligibility Date

If an employee has a waiting period before he or she is eligible to participate in the Holiday assignment rules, an eligibility date can be entered in the employee record.


If the employee does not have a waiting period, this field can be left blank.

  1. From the Employee section, use the Employee Search feature to locate the employee records to configure.

  2. Open Employee General > Parameters > Schedule Process.

  3. In the Employee Parameter Schedule Standard Date 2 field, enter the date when the employee is eligible to start the holiday rules.

  4. Click on the Save button at the bottom of the screen to save the record.

Step 3: Holiday Validation is not Required in the Selection Style


The Holiday validation in the Selection Style is not required.

Since holidays are not tracked, the selection style used does not need to include the Holiday rule. However, if there are any employees in the same schedule who do have holiday assignments, the Holiday rule must be selected.


The Holiday rule must be selected as a validation in each pass of the selection style.

  1. From Configuration > Scheduling, select Selection Styles.

  2. Open the selection style being used with the automatic scheduling process and/or manual process.

  3. Open a scheduling pass.

  4. Point the cursor to the Holiday rule in the Available Rules column. Drag the rule to the Selected Rules column.

  5. Repeat steps 3-4 for each pass to be validated.

  6. Click on the Save button at the bottom of the screen to save the record.