Adding a New Employee LaborView Record

Complete the following steps to create a new LaborView option:

  1. From Preferences > My Preferences, select the Employee LaborView icon.

  2. Click on the Add button in the left pane to create a new LaborView record. To copy and modify an existing LaborView record, check the box to the left of the selected record and click on the Replicate button.

  3. Enter the Name to identify this LaborView. This name appears in the Choose a LaborView drop down menu when approving time cards.

  4. If this is to be the default which initially is loaded when the LaborView screen is open, set the Default field to Yes. If this is not to be the default, set this field to No.

  5. If this LaborView is to be visible in the listing of available options, set the Visible field to Yes. If not, set it to No.

  6. Click on the Selection tab. For each selection option to include in this LaborView, highlight the option in the Available LaborView Items section. Drag the rule to the Assigned LaborView Items column. For a replicated LaborView, make any adjustments to the options selected in the original record.

  7. Click on the Filter tab. In the Show Items When field, determine if you want to display employees who meet All of the LaborView conditions or Any (one or more) of the conditions.

  8. The Column field displays the options chosen on the Selection tab.

  9. In the Condition field, select the condition of the filter, such as Greater Than or Less Than. For a replicated LaborView, make any adjustments to the options selected in the original record.

  10. Click on the Sort tab.

  11. In the Primary Sort By Column field, indicate which column should determine the initial sorting for the list, such as Job Class or Employee Last Name, and the Primary Sort Direction (ascending or descending).

  12. In the Secondary Sort By Column field, indicate which column should determine the second sorting for the list and the Secondary Sort Direction (ascending or descending).

  13. Click on Save to save the new LaborView record.


    Only the user who created the LaborView can make edits to it. A folder appears to the left of the record to open and edit it. All other users can open and view the record, but have read-only access.

The following related topics are available:

Selecting Employee LaborView Options

Creating a New LaborView Item

Steps for Publishing an Employee LaborView Record

Steps for Replicating an Employee LaborView Record