Creating a New LaborView Item

Standard LaborViews cannot be changed but they can be copied (replicated) and modified. You can also create custom LaborViews that are not copied from an existing record.

You can share these customized or replicated LaborView options with other users by Publishing them.

The following tabs are available when adding or viewing a LaborView record:


Gives basic information regarding the LaborView, including name, visibility and whether this view is the default.


Opens a screen to determine the field information included in this LaborView.


Opens a screen to indicate the formula for conditions when information is included in this view.


Indicates the primary and secondary fields that the data should be sorted by, and the direction of the sort.

The following related topics are available:

Selecting Employee LaborView Options

Adding a New Employee LaborView Record

Steps for Publishing an Employee LaborView Record

Steps for Replicating an Employee LaborView Record