General Tab

The General tab gives basic information regarding the LaborView, including name, visibility and whether this view is the default. After the record has been saved, the user who created the record is automatically entered in the Created By field.

Depending on the page displayed, the following fields may be available. Click on the link to navigate to the description.



Created By


The following additional tabs of information are available in this page:

Selection Tab

Filter Tab

Sort Tab


The name of the new LaborView being added.


Indicates if this LaborView should be the view that is loaded when the Employee LaborView screen is opened. (Y/N)

For example, if Employee List is set as the default, that is the view displayed when Employee LaborView is opened. However, any of the options that have the "Visible" box checked can be opened using the drop down menu in the Choose a LaborView section of the Employee LaborView Actions page.

Created By

The name of the user who created the LaborView. This value is automatically entered by the system when the LaborView record is saved.


Indicates if this view option should be visible in the "Choose a LaborView" list. If this value is set to Yes, this option appears in the list of LaborViews.

Standard LaborView Records

The Standard LaborView records are included with the system. These records are not editable; however they can be replicated and modified.

For more information, see Steps for Replicating LaborView Records.

Published LaborView Records

Users can create new LaborView records, or can replicate and modify an existing LaborView record. When completed, the user can "share" these new records with other users by Publishing them.

For more information, see Steps for Publishing Employee LaborView Records.