Filter Tab

The Filter tab determines the condition parameters of when a supervisor record should appear on this LaborView. For example if the Column is set to "Transaction Request Count", the Condition is set to "Is Greater Than" and the Value is set to "0", the filter will only display employees with a transaction count greater than 0.

Condition formulas can be added, removed or edited from this screen.

The following Actions are available when viewing the details on the Filter tab:


Deletes a previously configured condition record for this LaborView.

Add Row

Adds a new condition record to be configured for this LaborView.

Depending on the page displayed, the following fields may be available. Click on the link to navigate to the description.

Show Items When




The following additional tabs of information are available in this page:

General Tab

Selection Tab

Sort Tab

Show Items When

Indicates whether the LaborView items should display if the data meets "All" (every one) of the conditions listed or "Any" (one or more) of the conditions listed.


The name of the LaborView Items column to be used as one of the filter criteria. The options available are the same as found in the Selection tab. When viewing an existing record, the previously selected items are displayed.


A column entry can only be used once as filter criteria for a particular Employee LaborView record.


The qualifying formula condition for the information in the Columns field as it relates to the Value field, such as "is equal to" or "is greater than".


The Value parameter that the Condition field is comparing with the Column field.