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Group By (Balancing Grids)

The Group By option allows you to select whether the information on the balancing grids should be grouped by profile, organization unit, coverage period (for the Balancing Grid) or activity (for the Activity Balancing Grid). Select none to display all rows together without grouping.

To access this menu, right-click in the profiles section.

Select the group option from the menu by right-clicking on one of the following options:

Group Option



Do not group the rows. All rows are displayed together.

Coverage Period

from the Balancing Grid

Groups rows by the coverage period that overlaps the time frame of the employee schedules.


from the Activity Balancing Grid

Groups rows by the activity codes required during the schedule period.


Groups rows by the profile code assigned to the employee schedules. Profiles include the job class and organization unit of the assignment.

Organization Unit

Groups rows by the organization unit assigned to the employee schedules.