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Create Schedule

The Create Schedule function opens a wizard used to run the scheduling process for the open organization unit or schedule group.

To create a schedule, complete the following steps:

  1. From the tool bar, click Schedule > Create Schedule.

    The Create Schedule Wizard appears.

  2. Some fields are filled in for you. Update any prefilled fields and enter the necessary information in the remaining fields.

    • Start Date and End Date

      The dates for the open schedule period appear but can be changed; however, both dates must fall within the open schedule period.

    • Selection Style

      The default Selection Style appears, but a different one can be selected.

    • Create Schedule Audit Report

      This option, when set to Yes, generates a report that tracks whether employees were scheduled and any reasons that disqualified them from being scheduled. This report is viewed in Reports > Scheduling > Create Schedule Audit Report.

    • By Profile

      This option determines whether to run the scheduling process for all profiles or only for selected profiles.

      • No - the scheduling process is run for all profiles in the selected organization unit or schedule group

      • Yes (then click Next) - the next step of the wizard allows you to search for and select the profiles to include in the scheduling process

    • Employee Class Code

      This option allows you run the scheduling process for a specified employee class. Click the search icon to search for and select an Employee Class Code or leave blank to run the process for all employee classes.

  3. Click Finish.

    When the process finishes, the schedule screen is updated with the results of the scheduling process.


    To view any error messages, open the report in Actions > System > Process Reports > Process Definition Code field = Schedule.