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The symbol lets you know the type of transaction.

- Clocking (either manual or from an input device or badge reader)

- Calendar (either a scheduled activity code or a calendar submitted for time off)

- Adjustment (a manager has created a transaction to make an adjustment for the employee)


A check mark appears if the process determines there will be an overtime situation. This occurs for pay codes that are set up to be considered overtime pay codes, that is, those with Pay Code indicator System Standard 2 set to Yes.

In Date

The date that the employee transaction began.

In Time

The time that the employee transaction began.

Out Date

The date that the employee transaction ended.

Out Time

The time that the employee transaction ended.

Net Hours

The number of hours between the In Time and the Out Time. For clockings, the Net Hours do not include lunch length.

Pay Code

Displays the pay code associated with the transaction. For calendars, this field usually shows SCHED.


Whether the transaction is considered direct or indirect, as set on the pay code.

Organization Unit

Displays the organization units where the transaction is clocked or scheduled.

Pay Period Date

The first date of the pay period that this transaction is calculated for.

Job Class

The work assignment, such as registered nurse, for the transaction.


The position (the combination of the job class and organization unit) for the transaction.


Whether the transaction is considered non-productive or productive, as set on the pay code.


The cost, in dollars, for the time frame shown.