Employee Transaction Notifications

The Employee Transaction Notifications send alerts to employees or supervisors regarding employee adjustments, calendars, clockings, deductions, recurring unavailability, and/or unavailability transactions.


The notifications listed here are available only if certain conditions are met. For example, your system is licensed for a certain module and you have the proper authorization role assigned to you to see them.

In addition, a notification may not be available on both the System Preferences and the My Preferences screens.

AdjReqStatChg--Employee Adjustment Request Status Change

This notification immediately informs employees when the status of their submitted Adjustment request is changed by another user. Employees included in this notification are any employees that have a current submitted Adjustment Request.

CalReqStatChg--Employee Calendar Request Status Change

This notification immediately informs employees when the status of their submitted Calendar request is changed by another user. Employees included in this notification are any employees that have a current submitted Calendar Request.

ClkReqStatChg--Employee Clocking Request Status Change

This notification immediately informs employees when the status of their submitted Clocking request is changed by another user. Employees included in this notification are any employees that have a current submitted Clocking Request.

DeductReqStatChg--Employee Deduction Request Status Change

This notification immediately informs employees when the status of their submitted Deduction request is changed by another user. Employees included in this notification are any employees that have a current submitted Deduction Request.

EdReqStatChg--Employee Education Request Status Change

This notification immediately informs employees when the status of their submitted Education request is changed by another user. Users included in this notification are any employees that have a current submitted Education Request.

EmpAdjReq--Employee Adjustment Request Submitted (Supervisor)

This notification immediately informs supervisors when one of their employees has submitted an Adjustment Request. Employees included in this notification are any Supervisors with employees that have submitted an Adjustment Request.

EmpCalReq--Employee Calendar Request Submitted (Supervisor)

This notification immediately informs supervisors when one of their employees has submitted a Calendar request. Employees included in this notification are any Supervisors that have an employee that has submitted a Calendar Request.

EmpClkReq--Employee Clocking Request Submitted (Supervisor)

This notification immediately informs supervisors when one of their employees has submitted an Education request. Employees included in this notification are any Supervisors that have an employee that has submitted a Clocking Request.

EmpDedReq--Employee Deduction Request Submitted (Supervisor)

This notification immediately informs supervisors when one of their employees has submitted a Deduction request. Employees included in this notification are any Supervisors that have an employee that has submitted an Education Request.

EmpEdReq--Employee Education Request Submitted

This notification immediately informs supervisors when one of their employees has submitted an Education request. Employees included in this notification are any Supervisors that have an employee that has submitted an Education Request.

EmpRecUnavailReq--Employee Recurring Unavailability Request Submitted

This notification immediately informs supervisors when one of their employees has submitted a Recurring Unavailability request. Users included in this notification are any Supervisors that have employees that have submitted a Recurring Unavailability Request.

EmpSchedUpdate--Employee Schedule Update

This notification immediately informs an employee when an existing scheduled activity code is changed, such as an updated start time or organization unit, and the status is not Requested, and the employee did not cause the change. It does not notify when an activity code is created or deleted, or when a pay code, such as PTO or VAC, is changed.

Note that this notification can be sent via email or a portal message, like the other notifications, but this notification can also be sent via push notifications to employees' mobile phones. See System Preferences > Notification Method or My Preferences > Notification Method.

EmpUnavailReq--Employee Unavailability Request Submitted

This notification immediately informs supervisors when one of their employees has submitted an Unavailability request. Users included in this notification are any Supervisors that have employees that have submitted an Unavailability Request.

RecUnavalReqStat--Employee Recurring Unavailability Request Status Change

This notification immediately informs a user when a user, other than the requesting employee, changes the status of a Recurring Unavailability Request. Employees included in this notification are any employees that have submitted the request.

ReqToWorkStatChg--Employee Request to Work Status Change

This notification immediately informs employees when the status of their submitted Request to Work is changed by another user. Users included in this notification are any employees that have submitted the request.

RequestToWorkReq--Employee Request to Work Submitted

This notification immediately informs users when a request to work has been submitted by an employee. Recipients include users with data access to the employee.

UnavailReqStatCh--Employee Unavailability Request Status Change

This notification immediately informs employees when the status of their submitted Unavailability request is changed by another user. Employees included in this notification are any employees that have submitted the request.