Self Scheduling Notifications

The Self Scheduling Notifications are available to send alerts to employees regarding the self scheduling feature in Staffing and Scheduling.


The notifications listed here are available only if certain conditions are met. For example, your system is licensed for a certain module and you have the proper authorization role assigned to you to see them.

In addition, a notification may not be available on both the System Preferences and the My Preferences screens.

EmpSchedOffAccep--Employee Schedule Offer Accepted

This notification immediately informs a user when another employee has accepted a Shift Offer. Employees included in this notification are any employees that have offered a shift and then had that offer accepted.

EmpSchedOffExp--Employee Schedule Offer Expired

This notification informs a user when a Shift Offer has expired. Employees included in this notification are any employees that have an offer that has not been accepted by another employee and is no longer within the Shift Offering period.


This is a scheduled notification executed once per day. The Scheduled Task that executes this notification is the DailyMaintenance task.

EmpSchedOffStat--Employee Schedule Offer Status Changed

This notification immediately notifies a user when the status of an offer is changed from Requested to Approved, Canceled, or Denied. Employees included in this notification are any employees that have submitted or accepted an offer and the offer status has been changed.

EmpSchedTradeMgr--Employee Schedule Trade Status Change (Manager)

This notification notifies supervisors when the status of a Schedule Trade is changed for one of their employees. Users included in this notification are any Supervisors that have an employee involved in a schedule trade.

EmpSchedTradeReq--Employee Schedule Trade Request

This notification immediately informs a user when a Schedule Trade is requested. Employees included in this notification are any employees involved in the Schedule Trade.

EmpSchedTradStat--Employee Schedule Trade Status Change

This notification immediately informs a user when the status of a Schedule Trade is changed from Requested to Approved, Canceled, or Denied. Employees included in this notification are any employees involved in a Schedule Trade and the Status has been changed.

SelfSchedClosing--Self Schedule Period Closing

This notification informs a user that a Self Schedule Period is ending on the day the task runs. Access is based on the settings of the effective Staffing Configuration for the employee's Organization Unit, including staggered access defined by the Self Scheduling Groups. Employees included in this notification are any employees that have permissions to enter schedules through Self Scheduling and have Position permissions within an Organization Unit that has Self Scheduling enabled.


The Scheduled Task that executes this notification is the StaffSchdSubscrp task. You may want to run this scheduled task at a convenient time early enough in the day so that all employees receive sufficient notice about the self-schedule period closing.

SelfSchedOpen--Self Schedule Period Open

This notification informs a user that a Self Schedule Period is opening on the day the task runs. Access is based on the settings of the effective Staffing Configuration for the employee's Organization Unit, including staggered access defined by the Self Scheduling Groups. Employees included in this notification are any employees that have permissions to enter schedules through Self Scheduling and have Position permissions within an Organization Unit that has Self Scheduling enabled.


The Scheduled Task that executes this notification is the StaffSchdSubscrp task. You may want to run this scheduled task at a convenient time early enough in the day so that all employees receive sufficient notice about the self-schedule period opening.

ShiftOfferOpen--Shift Offering Period Open

This notification informs users when a Shift Offering Period opens on the current date. This is based on a setting of the effective Staffing Configuration for each Organization Unit. Employees included in this notification are any employees that have permissions to Offer or Accept shifts and have Position permissions to an Organization Unit that has Shift Offering enabled.

Note that this notification can be sent via email or a portal message, like the other notifications, but this notification can also be sent via push notifications to employees' mobile phones. See System Preferences > Notification Method or My Preferences > Notification Method.


This is a scheduled notification executed once per day. The Scheduled Task that executes this notification is the StaffSchdSubscrp task.

ShiftTradeOpen--Shift Trading Period Open

This notification informs a user when a Shift Trade Period opens on the current date. This is based on a setting of the effective Staffing Configuration for each Organization Unit. Employees included in this notification are any employees that have permissions to Trade shifts and have Position permissions to an Organization Unit that has Shift Trading enabled.

Note that this notification can be sent via email or a portal message, like the other notifications, but this notification can also be sent via push notifications to employees' mobile phones. See System Preferences > Notification Method or My Preferences > Notification Method.


This is a scheduled notification executed once per day. The Scheduled Task that executes this notification is the StaffSchdSubscrp task.