Group Headers (Balancing Grids)
The Group Headers are displayed in the Balancing Grid and Activity Balancing Grid to separate coverage information into groups. These groups can be by profile, organization unit, coverage period (for the Balancing Grid) or activity (for the Activity Balancing Grid). You may choose not to use any headers (none) so all profiles are listed together.
On the Group Header rows, the total needs are shown for each day. The totals are sums of the needs in each column in the expanded group.
Groups are selected from a menu accessed by right-clicking. Select the Group By (Balancing Grids) option to display a listing of options.
The records within each group can be sorted in ascending or descending order. Clicking on the header alternately sorts the group in ascending (A-Z, 1-9) order or descending (Z-A, 9-1) order.